This is a demo that illustrates how Prometheus can be used to monitor a Kubernetes cluster. The demo is built by leveraging the awesome guide that CoreOS provides to setup a local Kubernetes cluster, along with there other guide to deploy Prometheus on the cluster to start monitoring.
Additions to the guide has been created to add Grafana, to show of the visualization of the metrics scrape by Prometheus.
To run: (make sure you have vagrant and kubectl installed)
$ cd coreos-kubernetes/multi-node/vagrant
$ vagrant up
$ export KUBECONFIG="${KUBECONFIG}:$(pwd)/kubeconfig"
$ kubectl config use-context vagrant-multi
$ kubectl config set-cluster vagrant-multi-cluster --server= --certificate-authority=${PWD}/ssl/ca.pem
$ kubectl config set-credentials vagrant-multi-admin --certificate-authority=${PWD}/ssl/ca.pem --client-key=${PWD}/ssl/admin-key.pem --client-certificate=${PWD}/ssl/admin.pem
$ kubectl config set-context vagrant-multi --cluster=vagrant-multi-cluster --user=vagrant-multi-admin
$ kubectl config use-context vagrant-multi
Once the kubernetes cluster is up and running. Verify with
$ kubectl get nodes
We can now deploy Prometheus and Grafana on the cluster as follows: (from the root of this repo)
$ ./
Shortly here after, you should be able to login:
Grafana: (grafana default user/password is admin/admin)
To add dashboards in Grafana, first add Prometheus as a datasource, see the image:
Once Prometheus is installed as a datasource, add the dashboards by clicking on the dashboard menu, and choose "Import", next "Upload .json File", locate the file in the dashboard directory and press OK and Load.
If you would like to play around with the Kubernetes built-in dashboard, you can access it via a proxy:
kubectl proxy http://localhost:8001/ui
Simple example of how to push metrics to the pushgateway:
echo 'mysql_deleted_rows{label="somelabel"} 42' | curl --data-binary @-
When prometheus has scaped the gateway, your metric should be available.