Patrick Kastner is an Assistant Professor with the School of Architecture at Georgia Tech, specializing in environmental performance simulation and the decarbonization of buildings and cities.
He earned his Ph.D. and M.S. in Systems Science and Engineering from Cornell University. During his doctoral research, he developed Eddy3D, a microclimate modeling software toolkit for Rhino & Grasshopper, now adopted by leading institutions in both academia and practice.
After completing his Ph.D., Kastner continued his work with the Environmental Systems Lab at Cornell AAP as a postdoctoral associate, where he provided decision support for the Ithaca Green New Deal to accelerate efforts to decarbonize Ithaca's building stock. He previously taught at the Cornell Systems department, Cornell AAP, and UPenn.
Originally from Germany, Kastner holds a M.S. in Sustainable Building Science from TU Munich, and a B.S. in Energy Engineering from FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg. While in Munich, he was fortunate enough to study at the Center for Digital Technology and Management and enjoyed his time leading the operations team at TEDxTUM.