Spring Boot, MySQL, JPA, Hibernate Rest API
A Restful CRUD API for a simple To-Do list application using Spring Boot, MySQL, JPA and Hibernate.
Java - 1.8.x
Maven - 3.x.x
MySQL - 5.x.x
Postman 6.x.x
Steps to Setup
Clone the application
Create MySQL database
mysql> CREATE DATABASE user_data;
Change mysql username and password as per your installation
open src/main/resources/application.properties
change spring.datasource.username and spring.datasource.password as per your mysql installation
Build and run the app using maven
The app will start running at http://localhost:8080.
The app defines following CRUD APIs:
GET /api/v1/tasks
POST /api/v1/tasks
GET /api/v1/tasks/{id}
PUT /api/v1/tasks/{id}
DELETE /api/v1/tasks/{id}
DELETE /api/v1/tasks
These can be tested using Postman or any other rest client. Several Postman tests are provided: Postman/ToDoList.postman_collection.json
(Please note that the {id} values may need to be updated for tests 6, 7 & 8 (PUT, GET and DELETE by id) if any tasks have been added to the database prior to running the Postman tests.)