See our package site
PCBS is an R package with the following dependencies:
- tibble
- ggrepel
- ggplot2
- dplyr
- data.table
PCBS is a tool for analyzing WGBS datasets in a fast, flexible, and accurate fashion. PCBS is designed to pipe in Bismark-aligned WGBS data. The PCBS input file can be generated from bismark .cov files with the provided Bismark2Matrix scripts (we offer scripts for R and Python with identical usage and output). We recommend using the Python version of this script as it is faster.
Python Usage: python -p file_path -i file_tsv -o file_out
R Usage: Rscript --vanilla Bismark2Matrix.R file_path file_tsv file_out
For both Python and R, the inputs are identical:
file_path = /path/to/cov/files
file_tsv = A three column, tab-separated file in this format:
- filename | sample | group
- sam1.cov | s1_trt | trt
- sam2.cov | s2_ctl | ctl
file_out = output file name
Important note: PCBS cannot handle CpGs that are NA an any sample, and these are removed by Bismark2Matrix. For this reason, PCBS is not recommended for sparse datasets.
See our vignette