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Monads in python for pipeline-based development with Rust-like interface


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Simple library that provides some monad-like containers for "pipeline"-based code style. It is developed with simple idea in mind: important parts of code base (specifically those that contain domain-specific logic) must be implemented in human-readable manner as text that describes non-technical (or at least not too) details.

Pipeline & AsyncPipeline

Pipeline & AsyncPipeline are basic building blocks for applying function to data which is opposite to invoking function with data:

from typing import Any

from tibia.pipeline import Pipeline

def set_admin_status(user: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
    user['role'] = 'admin'
    return user

# invoke function with data
user_1 = set_admin_status(
        'name': 'John Doe',
        'role': 'member'

# apply function to data
user_2 = Pipeline({
        'name': 'John Doe',
        'role': 'member'

With this approach we can build pipelines that process some data performing different actions in more declarative manner.

Direct analogue of Pipeline and AsyncPipeline is so-called functional "pipe" operator which is usually written as |>:

let result = data |> function // same as `function data`

As a general reference to API methods I used rust Option and Result interfaces. As a general rule:

  • map unwraps contained value, passes it to the function and returns back wrapped result of function invocation
  • then unwraps contained value, passes it to the function and returns result
flowchart LR

    subgraph map
        map_value[TValue] --apply--> map_func

    subgraph then
        then_value[TValue] --apply--> then_func

    c_value --unwrap--> map_value
    c_value --unwrap--> then_value

    map_func --return--> c_result
    then_func --return--> result

In case one needs to invoke some async functions there are map_async and then_async methods, that transform Pipeline container to AsyncPipeline container, which allows to invoke async functions in non-async context like JavaScript Promise or more widely known Future. For naming consistency reasons AsyncPipeline is called as it called instead of being Future (also python has some other builtin packages with Future name).

Maybe & AsyncMaybe

Monadic container that replaces logic for Optional values. Consists of 2 containers: Some & Empty where Some represents actual value and Empty represents absence of data.

Some might question: do we need additional abstraction for typing.Optional? What is the purpose of Empty?

This is small real-life example: one has a table in database with some data, where some columns are nullable and one wishes to perform update on this data with single structure.


from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional

class User:
    name: str
    age: int
    crated_at: datetime
    deleted_at Optional[datetime]

For field name, age and created_at it seems to be good solution to use Optional as indication of 2 cases:

  • one wants to update field (value is not optional)
  • one does not want to update field (value is optional)

But for deleted_at Optional is one of the possible states for update, so how we identify that in one request None means "update with NULL" and in some other request it means "do not update"?

This is where Maybe as additional abstraction comes in handy:

  • Some(value) even if this value is None means that we want to update and set new field to value wrapped around container
  • Empty means that we do not want to update

So UpdateUser structure can be implemented as:

from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional

from tibia.maybe import Maybe

class UpdateUser:
    name: Maybe[str]
    age: Maybe[int]
    created_at: Maybe[datetime]
    deleted_at: Maybe[Optional[datetime]]

With this approach we do not have any doubts on what action we actually want to perform.

Simple example of working with Maybe:

value = ( # type of str
    .as_maybe()  # as_maybe performs upper-cast to Maybe[T]
    .map(lambda x: str(x))  # Maybe[int] -> int -> func -> str -> Maybe[str]
    .then_or(lambda x: x * 3, '')  # Maybe[str] -> str -> func -> str

Result & AsyncResult

Python exception handling lacks one very important feature - it is hard to oversee whether some function raises Exception or not. In order to make exception more reliable and predictable we can return Exceptions or any other error states.

It can be achieved in multiple ways:

  1. Using product type (like in Golang, tuple[_TValue, _TException] for python)
  2. Using sum type (python union _TValue | _TException)

Result monad is indirectly a sum type of Ok and Err containers, where Ok represents success state of operation and Err container represents failure.

In order to make existing sync and async function support Result one can use result_returns and result_returns_async decorators, that catch any exception inside function and based on this condition wrap returned result to Result monad.

@result_returns  # converts (Path) -> str to (Path) -> Result[str, Exception]
def read_file(path: Path):
    with open(path, "r") as tio:

result = (
    .recover("")  # if result is Err replace it with Ok with passed value
    .unwrap()  # extract contained value (as we recovered we are sure that
               # Result is Ok)


Container for iterables, that provides some common methods of working with arrays of data like:

  • value mapping (map_values and map_values_lazy)
  • value filtering (filter_values and filter_values_lazy)
  • value skip/take (skip_values, skip_values_lazy, take_values and take_values_lazy)
  • ordering values (order_values_by)
  • aggregation (reduce and reduce_to)

Also supports Pipeline operations map and then.

Methods named as lazy instead of performing computation in-place (with python list) make generators and should be evaluated lazily (for example with compute method):

result = (
    Many(path.rglob("*"))  # recursively read all files
    .filter_values_lazy(lambda p: p.is_file() and p.suffix == ".py")
    .map_values_lazy(read_file)  # iterable of Results
    .filter_values_lazy(result_is_ok)  # take only Ok results
    .map_values_lazy(result_unwrap)  # unwrap results to get str
    .compute()  # forcefully evaluate generator
    .unwrap()  # extract Iterable[str], but actually list[str]


Same as Many but for key-value mappings (dict). Also allows to perform map/filter operations on both keys and values. Values and keys can be extracted lazily.

result = (  # dict[str, dict[str, Any]]
    # imagine more data
    Pairs({"Jane": {"age": 34, "sex": "F"}, "Adam": {"age": 15, "sex": "M"}})
    .filter_by_value(lambda v: v["age"] > 18 and v["sex"] == "M")
    .map_keys(lambda k: k.lower())


In order to properly use Pipeline and other monad binding function we need to be able to partially apply function: pass some arguments and some leave unassigned, but instead of invoking function get new one, that accepts left arguments.

Some programming languages (functional mostly, like F#) support curring out of the box:

let addTwoParameters x y =  // number -> number -> number
   x + y

// this is curring/partial/argument baking - name it
let addOne = addTwoParameters 1  // number -> number

let result = addOne 3 // 4
let anotherResult = addTwoParameters 1 3 // 4

Python has built-in partial, but it lacks typing, for this reason tibia provides special curried decorator, that extracts first argument and leave it for later assignment:

def add_two_parameters(x: int, y: int) -> int:
    return x + y

add_one = curried(add_two_parameters)(1)  # int -> int

print(add_one(3))  # 4

Development Guide

Starting Development

In order to use Makefile scripts one would need:

  • pyenv
  • python>=3.12 (installed via pyenv)
  • poetry>=1.2

Clone repository

git clone
git clone
GitHub CLI
gh repo clone katunilya/tibia

Then run:

make setup

With this command python3.12 will be chosen as local python, new python virtual environment would be created via poetry and dependencies will be install via poetry and also pre-commit hooks will be installed.

Other commands in Makefile are pretty self-explanatory.

Making And Developing Issue

Using web UI or GitHub CLI create new Issue in repository. If Issue title provides clean information about changes one can leave it as is, but we encourage providing details in Issue body.

In order to start developing new issue create branch with the following naming convention:


As example: 101-how-to-start

Making Commit

To make a commit use commitizen:

cz c

This would invoke a set of prompts that one should follow in order to make correct conventional commits.

Preparing Release

When new release is coming firstly observe changes that are going to become a part of this release in order to understand what SemVer should be provided. Than create Issue on preparing release with title Release v<X>.<Y>.<Z> and develop it as any other issue.

Developing release Issue might include some additions to documentation and anything that does not change code base crucially (better not changes in code). Only required thing to do in release Issue is change version of project in pyproject.toml via poetry:

poetry version <SemVer>

When release branch is merged to main new release tag and GitHub release are made (via web UI or GitHub CLI).