- Use weather.php as your data source.
- You should be making http requests against MetaWeather and displaying the results in your app. The app will have 3 routes:
Home: /#/
This is the default page and we should see this when we first load the app.
The home page should display the weather for today in these 6 cities:
- Istanbul
- Berlin
- London
- Helsinki
- Dublin
- Vancouver
The “weather” custom component: When displaying the weather, use a custom component called and pass in necessary data using bindings. You are free to choose in what form you will pass data. You can also make additional data loading using component’s lifecycle hooks as well, but this is entirely optional. Reuse this custom component across the entire application.
This component should display:
- the city name
- the temperature
- the maximum temperature
- the minimum temperature
- the corresponding weather icon (it’s also provided by metaweather.)
When we click the weather component, we should go to /#/weather/:woeid to see more details about the weather in that location.
Search: /#/search/:keyword
- On home page, there should also be a search field and a search button.
- When the search is run, the user should be sent to this URI.
- For instance, if one searches for “Dublin,” they go to /#/search/dublin
- If the search yields results, display the weather for today in matching cities (using the custom component). If there are no results, say “No results were found. Try changing the keyword!”
- We should be able to change our keyword (and see the current keyword) and search again without having to go back to the home page.
Weather Details Page: /#/weather/:woeid
- This page loads the weather for the given “woeid” parameter, and displays the same information as the weather custom component, but displays all of the days inside consolidated_weather instead of just today.
- Bonus: Display the day name for the applicable date, like, Monday, Tuesday, etc.
Project setup
npm install
Compiles and hot-reloads for development
npm run serve
Compiles and minifies for production
npm run build
Run your tests
npm run test
Lints and fixes files
npm run lint
Note: Please change .env file to specify the API base URL
- Installed new Vue application using vue-cli
- Add axois, router and other dependencies like bootstrap-vue, dotenv
- Create new Components for Home, Weather and WeatherWoeid
- Implement components in main.js
- Create View for the pages
- Add env support for API base url and weather icon API base url