- GraphQL is probably 50% about creating a good Schema and 50% about writing good queries
- To start JSON server - represents an outside API server npm run json:server
- To start express server - represents our internal server npm run dev
npm install json-server
npm run json:server
Getting started
Install JSON Server npm install -g json-server Create a db.json file with some data { "posts": [ { "id": 1, "title": "json-server", "author": "typicode" } ], "comments": [ { "id": 1, "body": "some comment", "postId": 1 } ], "profile": { "name": "typicode" } } Start JSON Server json-server --watch db.json Now if you go to http://localhost:3000/posts/1, you'll get { "id": 1, "title": "json-server", "author": "typicode" }
- Property Name - Type
- id : Id
- firstName : String
- company_id : Id
- position_id : Id
- users [Id]
- Property Name - Type
- Property Name - Type
- id : Id
- name : String
- description : String
- Property Name - Type
- Property Name - Type
- id : Id
- name : String
- description: String
- Property Name - Type
- Given a collection of records on a server, there should be a uniform URL and HTTP request method tused to utilize and access that collection of records
- how to structure the method calls to access very particular data - gets very tough when we have heavily nested relationships between data
- When fetching complexly-related, heavily nested data we can easily run into situations where we are making 5 or 10 HTTP REST calls to get a single piece of data
as databases grow larger and hold more data - it's more efficient for them to store data in large, many property structures - we may only need a company name to display a component but we get back a whole bunch of other stuff in the process we dont need
query { user(id: '23') { friends() { company { name } } } }
npm install --save express express-graphql graphql lodash
The majority of Production Environment GraphQL queries will be asynchronous requests to other servers or APIs
File: schema.js
const RootQuery = new GraphQLObjectType({ name: "RootQueryType", fields: { user: { type: UserType, args: { id: { type: GraphQLString } }, resolve(parentValue, args) { return axios.get(`http://localhost:3000/users/${args.id}`) .then((response) => response.data); }, }, }, });
- Mutations are used to change the data stored on are server
- Create, Update, Delete
- Mutations can be difficult to work with so proper form and syntax are key
- PUT replaces the entire record with whatever properties are provided - this can lead to losing pre-existing properties that weren't explicitly entered
- PATCH only updates the explicit properties listed in the request, it makes no other changes
Remember: The purpose of each of these is to make a request to our GraphQL Server, get the response back and forward it to our React front-end
- As simple as possible. Basic queries, mutations. Some simple caching.
Produced by same people as MeteorJS. Good balance between features and complexity.
9 times out of 10 Apollo is the best fit for the problem re: GraphQL Clients
GraphQL-Express contains the entire Schema in one file - it contains both data Types and queries/mutations
- GraphQL-Express lists Data Type Resolvers (create, update, delete) WHERE the Data Types are defined
- GraphQL-Express syntax is very stable, not going to change but more verbose
Apollo splits this out into two files
Apollo syntax is less stable, but easier to read
Types File
type User { id: String! firstName: String age: Int ... } ...
Resolvers File
const resolveFunctions = { Query: { users() { return users } } }
- Amazing performance for mobile. - Relay was built for mobile.
- By far the most insanely complex, especially re: mutations, like 10x more complex
- Facebook uses Relay because they have the budget to afford the complexity
- Startups should veer away from Relay on a cost-benefit analysis