- https://blog.rodrigograca.com/how-to-deploy-an-ionic-5-app-on-netlify/
- -- need to install ionic cli in the app directly, so netlify can use it
- npm i -D @ionic/cli
- to run a single test only, place 'f' before the test method
- 'fdescribe'
- Angular mock module for testing modules
Failed: R3InjectorError(DynamicTestModule)[FormBuilder -> FormBuilder]: NullInjectorError: No provider for FormBuilder!
- this comes up when a component is using reactive forms
- to solve, inject
into TestBed imports in the spec.ts page
NullInjectorError: R3InjectorError(DynamicTestModule)[NavController -> UrlSerializer -> UrlSerializer]: NullInjectorError: No provider for UrlSerializer!
this comes up when a component makes use of a routerLink
`<ion-list *ngIf="todos.length > 0"> <ion-item-sliding *ngFor="let t of todos; let i = index;"> <ion-item routerLink="/home"> <ion-label>{{ t }}</ion-label> </ion-item> ... ...`
to fix, inject
into TestBed imports in the spec.ts pagebeforeEach(waitForAsync(() => { // TestBed is a mock moodule for testing TestBed.configureTestingModule({ declarations: [ListPage], imports: [IonicModule.forRoot(), ReactiveFormsModule, **RouterTestingModule**], }).compileComponents(); // fixture is most important // fixture is a wrapper for a component and its template // and we can get everything we need from the fixture fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ListPage); component = fixture.componentInstance; fixture.detectChanges(); // inject Data Service instance into Test Bed service = TestBed.inject(DataService); }));
// File: list.page.spec.ts // // // ASYNC TESTING in Jasmine // 3 ways to test // // // // Jasmine - not recommended, use Cypress it("should load async todos", (done) => { const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; const spy = spyOn(service, "getStoredTodos").and.returnValue( Promise.resolve(arr) ); component.loadStorageTodos(); // use spy.calls.mostRecent() to get the value from the promise spy.calls.mostRecent().returnValue.then(() => { expect(component.todos).toBe(arr); done(); }); }); // using waitForAsync, wraps our test function in an async test zone it("should load async todos", waitForAsync(() => { const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; const spy = spyOn(service, "getStoredTodos").and.returnValue( Promise.resolve(arr) ); component.loadStorageTodos(); // whenStable means when all Async operations are completed fixture.whenStable().then(() => { expect(component.todos).toBe(arr); }); })); // using fakeAsync and tick it("should load async todos", fakeAsync(() => { const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; const spy = spyOn(service, "getStoredTodos").and.returnValue( Promise.resolve(arr) ); component.loadStorageTodos(); // tick() simulates the asynchronous passage of time in for async calls in fakeAsync tick(); expect(component.todos).toBe(arr); }));
// File: list.page.spec.ts // // // REACTIVE FORM TESTING // // // since a blank field is invalid on submission // a tested blank field should be invalid, or false it("The Reactive Form should have an initially invalid form", () => { expect(component.dataForm.valid).toBeFalse(); }); // // check required for name field it("The Reactive Form Name Field should be required", () => { let name = component.dataForm.controls["name"]; let errors = name.errors || {}; expect(errors.required).toBeTruthy(); }); // // check min length for name field it("The Reactive Form Name Field should have a minlength error", () => { let name = component.dataForm.controls["name"]; name.setValue("long"); let errors = name.errors || {}; expect(errors["minlength"]).toBeTruthy(); }); // // accept 5+ character in name it("The Reactive Form Name Field should accept 5+ characters", () => { let name = component.dataForm.controls["name"]; name.setValue("longr"); let errors = name.errors || {}; expect(errors["minlength"]).toBeFalsy(); }); // // should be valid with inputs it("The Reactive Form should be valid with inputs", () => { let name = component.dataForm.controls["name"]; let priority = component.dataForm.controls["priority"]; name.setValue("long enough"); priority.setValue("1"); expect(component.dataForm.valid).toBeTrue(); });
If your app is making HTTP calls from a service to retrieve or update some data, you dont want to make those calls for real inside your test suite
- it takes time
- API could be having issues
- etc
Instead, fake the response, inject it, but still check that the right HTTP request call is made
// File: api.service.spec.ts // // // describe("ApiService", () => { let service: ApiService; let httpClient: HttpClient; let httpTestingController: HttpTestingController; // // beforeEach(() => { TestBed.configureTestingModule({ imports: [HttpClientTestingModule], }); service = TestBed.inject(ApiService); // http Client is injected because it is included in the api.service constructor httpClient = TestBed.inject(HttpClient); httpTestingController = TestBed.inject(HttpTestingController); }); // after each afterEach(() => { // verify that no outstanding requests exist after each test httpTestingController.verify(); }); // // /// tests it("API Service should be created", () => { expect(service).toBeTruthy(); }); it("API Service should make an API call", () => { // array of objects const mockResponse = [ { id: 1, title: "Simons Product", price: 42.99, description: "Epic product test", category: "ionic", image: "https:pixabay.com/cool-image-url", }, ]; // service.getProducts().subscribe((res) => { console.log("res", res); expect(res).toBeFalse(); expect(res).toHaveSize(1); const product = res[0]; expect(product).toBe(mockResponse[0]); }); // test to check that we made one and only one (1) API call to the specified URL endpoint const mockRequest = httpTestingController.expectOne( "https://fakestoreapi.com/products" ); expect(mockRequest.request.method).toEqual("GET"); // execute the call // - resolve the request by returning a body plus HTTP info, response headers, etc. mockRequest.flush(mockResponse); }); });
Find out how much code you're testing
ng test --no-watch --code-coverage
======= Coverage summary ======= Statements : 70.21% ( 33/47 ) Branches : 66.67% ( 4/6 ) Functions : 70.59% ( 12/17 ) Lines : 65.85% ( 27/41 ) ================================
creates a
folder with stuff -
generates a nice dashboard and other stuff in
Install Cypress
takes a few minutes on first install
npm install cypress --save-dev
npx cypress open
- creates a file
in root for configuration - write tests in
- when using Cypress, your app needs to be running and set
- creates a file
Added this config setting in
to get rid of bizarre warnings/errors in the editor when writing tests in cypress"description": "An Ionic project", "jshintConfig": { "esversion": 6 }
- when testing if certain elements are rendered on a page, it is best to assign those elements a test property like this:
<ion-button data-cy="add-btn" (click)="addTodo()">Add</ion-button>
- And in test file:
- can also target elements by class and id, but be careful, data-cy is best way
Cypress Commands allow us to create functions that run set up like a user log in or a add Todos to a List, so that we dont have to write each line in each test
Commands are in
// Initialize 3 Todos in list before test Cypress.Commands.add("initTodos", () => { cy.visit("/", { onBeforeLoad() { const arr = ["First Todo", "Second Todo", "Third Todo"]; Storage.set({ key: "mytodos", value: JSON.stringify(arr) }); }, }); });