Promises: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly by Dan Heberden
- jQuery’s .deferred implementation of the Promise API
- underscore has a port (?) of .deferred in _.deferred()
Gone in 60 Seconds by Addy Osmani
- optimal frame rate for smooth websites → 60Hz
- CSS features like box-shadow / box-radius can have a negative impact on performance by lowering the frame rate and increasing the repaints needed
- lots of tools (some experimental) to troubleshoot site performance in Chrome
→ show paint rectangles
→ show composite layer borders
→ continuous painting mode - do performance profiling in incognite mode → plugins can affect profiles
- telemetry (?)
- remote debugging in Chrome using ADB + Chrome Dev Tools
Holy Grail: Javascript on the Client and Server by Tim Branyen
- Different applications types
→ SPA → TweetDeck
→ ServerSide → - PhantomJS (headless browser)
- Rendr @ Twitter
- AirBnB post on Render (
- example of presentation →
Angular MVW (Model View Whatever) by Pearl Chen
- Yeoman + Grunt + Bowser (Twitter)
- Angular comes with unit testing integrated
- → digital magazine for web devs
- I think Yelp uses Angular (ng- attributes)
- What goes on under the hood in terms of DOM manipulation and how does it affect performance vs. jQuery?
Development and Prototyping by Monika Piotrowicz
- including devs in the design process helps avoid headaches when it comes to implementation “stagger” approach is BAD → designers may create crazy interactions / ideas and devs have no idea
- @ JetCooper they have ‘pods’ → a dev is paired with a designer for the whole process
- collaborative!
- revisit tools before each project (which have change, what other options are there etc.)
- prototyping helps challenge assumptions, brings up problems early
- bad idea to have designer present client with designers + UX without consulting developer
- JetCooper has demo days where devs showcase what they have been working on
- developer meetings where they just catch up with what they are working on / new stuff / etc.
- “creative recess” → 2 days every month to do mini-hackathons, test new techs, etc.
- when discussing issues with other developers become an ADVOCATE be CONSTRUCTIVE
Offline Mobile Wed App Arch + Design by Boaz Sender
- “traunch” data into separate units instead of trying to pipe it in all at once
- Leafleft.js was most performant on mobile browsers
- Appache → pain to use
→ define what gets cached
→ appcache-internals → Chrome bookmarklet - DON’T try to copy native design over to mobile web
Fixing Broken Windows by Sam Breed
- book: “The Pragmatic Programmer”
Mixed spaces / tabs / trailing whitespace
→ decide on a convention to use! -
Have a style guide
→ jQuery style guide
→ idiomatic.js -
Know your VCS
→ use pull requests for code reviews - Avoid monolithic files!
→ leverage the module pattern -
→ requireJS / AMD - Leave $.fn alone unless you really mean it
- Dead code → have a ‘remove commit’ instead
Writing testable code
→ structure app around ojbect - Don’t retest jQuery
- Have a build step! Only ship the code that changes (i.e. not jQuery / big libraries)
Don’t modify native objects with prototype (i.e. String.prototype)
→ multiple doc readys? NO!
→ don’t UA sniff
Developing with Grunt by Dan Heberden
- → good repo for all sorts of plugins minimatch?
- Grunt devtools plugin for Chrome
→ sits in your Dev Tools - #grunt on Freenode IRC
- you can create a Grunt task to run nodemon
Front-End Diaspora by Paul Irish
- use the timeline trace for performance
- new browser feature → requestAutocomplete() → pops up an auto-complete dialog
→ useful for ecommerce solutions
→ see the auto-complete input attribute - see Alex Mccaw’s article on a browser API for one-click checkouts
→ - checkout OnePassword for password management
Scrolling Performance
- scrolling is important, especially on mobile
→ root of some mobile vs native debates - always serve images @ proper size
- -webkit-transofrm = translateZ(0)
→ paint hack that avoids unnecessarily repainting objects - Paul Lewis’ article: On Translate3D & Layer Creation Hacks
→ - checkout the Chrome console doc on Google
- XCode’s Network Link Conditioner Tool
→ simulates shitty connections, good ones etc. - multi-device testing
→ BrowserStack, DeviceAnywhere - load and behold the ‘layout thrashing’ (constant repaints) in the timeline
- chrome://flags → turns on dev tool experiments
- Snippets → cool feature that saves JS snippets
- styled console logs are possible
Web References