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TermIt web

Web theme is based on the Minimal Mistakes Jekyll theme under the MIT License, using Jekyll.


Web describes the basic features of TermIt and basic information about its authors. It contains following sections:

  • About - Basic information about,
  • Install - step-by-step installation process,
  • Tutorial - description of the basic usage scenarios,
  • Deployments - description and links to current deployments,
  • Data model - description of existing data models.


It is necessary to follow some rules during the content creation.

  • Create new branch to push changes.
  • For each section is created a .md file in [_pages][_pages]. Feel free to create any content, but do not change the header (between --- lines).
  • Locate images used in every section in the designated folder in [assets/images][assets/images].

For including images use:

{% include figure image_path="/assets/images/image.jpg" alt="this is a placeholder image" caption="This is a figure caption." %}

Do not change anything else than content of [_pages][_pages] and [assets/images][assets/images]

In the first section - Quick-start guide, you can find help. We must remove it before it is done.