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In this repository, you will find a MIPS assembler, a MIPS processor and a completely automatic test suite.

Everything is under Copyrights and shall not be reproduced in any partial or complete way without the express consent of the author(s) of the respective section. © Maxime Grégoire © Kevin Cadieux © Cheryl Guo © Nicole Witter

  1. ASSEMBLER The assembler files are located in the Assembler/ directory. It consists of the C# solution and the binaries (compiled files). NOTE: Given that we have written this in C#, it will only run on Windows computer with .NET 4.0 installed.

To run the assembler, go to CPUS/cpu/bin and run the Assembler.exe file. Use the following options, depending on your needs:

-h : Tutorial on how to assemble files. example: CMD> Assembler -h

-i "instruction" : Assemble one instruction. Don't forget the double quotes. example: CMD> Assembler -i "addi $2 $3 36"

"file path" : Assemble a .asm file located at the given path. The assembled file will appear in the the assembly file folder. example: CMD> Assembler "C:\Grader\fib.asm"


The processor VHDL files are located in the CPUS/cpu/src folder.

Processor extras:

  • Additional instructions have been developed to facilitate debugging:
asrti $rt imm     #Verify if register $rt is equal to imm. Assert if not.
asrt  $rs $rt	  #Verify that registers $rs and $rt are equal. Assert if not.
halt			  #Halt the processor (eliminated the need to writing an infinite loop)
  • LiveCPU tool, allowing interactive assembly instruction execution from the ModelSim command line (also see LiveCPU.pdf). Most popular commands supported by LiveCPU:
asm <assembly instruction>   #Run the provided assembly instruction.
							 #(e.g. asm addi $1 $2 30)
reg <register> <radix>	     #Inspect the value of the provided register and print it in the given radix.
							 #If no radix is provided, the default value is "signed".
							 #(e.g. reg $1 unsigned)
regs <radix>				 #Print the value of all registers in the given radix. If no radix is provided,
							 #the default value is "signed".
							 #(e.g. regs unsigned)
test <test name>			 #Runs the test program with the given name in the cpu/tests folder.
							 #The test name must NOT include the .asm extension.
							 #(e.g. test addi)  This will test the addi.asm file in the tests folder
RebootCPU					 #Restarts the CPU from the beginning. 

IMPORTANT: vsim.exe and modelsim.exe must be on your PATH for LiveCPU to work!

  1. MIKA Test Suite

In order to efficiently test our processor, a series of more than 30 tests has been developed. Usually, we would have to assemble them all, one by one and run them, again one by one in ModelSim. However, we built a complete test suite where a user can add a test inside the suite, assemble it, run it and see the result in as little as one click of a button.

To open MIKA, open the MIKA.exe file in the root directory. To view or edit the assembly code of a test, double click the row. To run it, click the button with the test's name. To debug it with the LiveCPU tool, hit the "Live CPU Debugging" button. To run a subset of tests, check the tests' checkboxes and hit the "Run Selected Test" button. To run all the test, hit the "Run All Tests" button. If a test fails, the details will be displayed. To add a new test, add the wanted name in the textbox and hit the "Add a new test" button.

IMPORTANT: vsim.exe and modelsim.exe must be on your PATH for MIKA to work!

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ECSE 425






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