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Thord Setsaas edited this page Apr 1, 2018 · 2 revisions

Accuracy is a statistics which is tracked for each player per played leg.


In a X01 game, when a player has a remaining score over 170, the assumption is that the player will be aiming for T-20 or T-19 to score as many points as possible. Therfore we keep track of the accuracy for those two values specifically to allow players to see how they played, and if they are improving over time.

Accuracy Calculation

Accuracy is split into three categories

  • Accuracy on 20s
  • Accuracy on 19s
  • Accuracy Overall

For each dart thrown for a player, if the remaining score after the throw is above 170 is used to calculate accuracy points. Once the leg is finished the total amount of accuracy points is used to calculate the accuracy for each player for the given leg.

If no attempts where made on a given number no accuracy will be available.

Accuracy 20s

The following numbers count as attempts on 20s: 20, 5, 1, 12, 18, 9, 4

  • Hitting 20 counts as 100
  • Hitting 5 / 1 counts as 70
  • Hitting 12/ 18 counts as 30
  • Hitting 9 / 4 counts as 5
accuracy_20s = accuracy_points_20s / attempts_20s

Accuracy 19s

The following numbers count as attempts on 19s: 19, 3, 7, 16, 17, 8, 2

  • Hitting 19 counts as 100
  • Hitting 7 / 3 counts as 70
  • Hitting 16/ 17 counts as 30
  • Hitting 8 / 2 counts as 5
accuracy_19s = accuracy_points_19s / attempts_19s

Overall Accuracy

For each dart thrown which does not count as an attempt for 19 or 20 a miss is registed.

accuracy_overall = (accuracy_points_20s + accuracy_points_19s) / (attempts_20s + attempts_19s + misses)


Example: Player accuracy after a leg

Example: Statistics

Example: Player