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Thord Setsaas edited this page May 1, 2020 · 4 revisions

Docker is a easy way to get everything up and running quick.


Images are available at DockerHub. Most are built with support for multiple platforms, linux/arm, linux/arm64, and linux/amd64 to allow running on alternative platforms such as Raspberry Pi

Docker Compose

A docker-compose file containing everything required to run can be found in the services repository


Before running the first time the database image must be initialized. When running an empty linuxserver/mariadb, it will do multiple starts and stops to initialize the /config and /var/lib/mysql directories.

To initialize the database, run the following command, and wait until intialization is finished, then kill it with CTRL+C

docker-compose -p kcapp run --rm db

# wait for initialization to finish ...
# stop container with CTRL+C


docker-compose will create multiple volumes where data is stored between runs

$ docker volume ls
local               kcapp_db
local               kcapp_db_config

If something goes wrong during database setup and you need to start over, simply delete the volumes

docker volume rm kcapp_db kcapp_db_config


Note: Make sure to Initialize the database

To run all required services

docker-compose -p kcapp up -d

You might also want to set the KCAPP_API environment variable to allow access to the API from outside.

# Set via shell
export KCAPP_API=http://localhost:8001

# or set directly when starting
KCAPP_API=http://localhost:8001 docker-compose -p kcapp up -d

# or change value in .env file

See Configuration section for other options that can be changed via environment variables


To stop the running services

docker-compose -p kcapp down


To run a specific version of the API and Frontend set KCAPP_FRONTEND_VERSION and KCAPP_API_VERSION variables in .env to the required versions

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