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Migration Guide

Thord Setsaas edited this page Sep 19, 2021 · 2 revisions

Migration Guide

Upgrading to 2.0.0

Upgrading from 1.x.x to 2.x.x requires some manual steps to get it working.


  1. Upgrade NodeJS >= v12 and npm >= v6
  2. Make sure to upgrade any other services you are using to >= v0.0.2, because of the upgrade to latest, it will only accept connections from clients of newer version
  3. Apply latest database migrations


  1. Pull latest changes
  2. Remove old node_modules
    rm -rf node_modules
  1. Install dependencies
    npm install
  1. Remove any old generated Marko templates from previous versions. If this step is not done you will see an error like Error: Cannot find module 'marko/src/html' when trying to start.
    find src/ -name "*.marko.js" -type f -delete
  1. Run the new version like before!
    DEBUG=kcapp* npm run <env>
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