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Thord Setsaas edited this page Feb 27, 2022 · 4 revisions


kcappstarted back in 2015 as a way to figure out who was the better dart player between three colleagues. After lunch there was a daily darts game, where the loosers had to buy cake (or whatever the caffeteria offered as dessert that day) for the winner.

To keep track of who owed who what, and to get some statistics of who won the most games, multiple existing dart scoring applications were tested, but none of them offered the exact statistics each player wanted to prove their skills, and (not suprisingly) none of them offered cake-tracking support, so the Cake App project was started.

At first it was a Excel spreadsheet, but this wasn't detailed enough, and manual work quickly made it too cumbersome to use. It went through a few different iterations, until March 2017 when the initial commit for CakeApp was made. Originally written in NodeJS and PugJS with a SQLitedatabase, which after more iterations eventually became Go, NodeJS, MarkoJS and MySQL.

At one point it was also suggested to shorten the name (Web 2.0 style), and CakeApp became kcapp, pronounced keɪk æp, or simply. Cake App

Since 2015 a lot has happend, and kcapphas evolved from keeping track of cakes, to a full-fledged darts scoring application.

The original database, which has been around since early 2017 now has over 8000 matches played, 200+ users and over 15 000 000 points scored


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