JSON-RPC 2.0 server based on C++ runtime reflection
RTTR-RPC is a JSON-RPC 2.0 framework built on top of RTTR C++ reflection library, which allows binding of existing C++ object to a JSON-RPC service. RTTR-RPC uses JSON Schema Service Descriptor for providing a service discovery functionality. rpc-web-channel.js uses the JSON Schema Service Descriptor for JavaScript stubs generating in run-time and uses JSON Schema for UI form generation.
You have a sctuct/class:
struct Calculator {
double sum(double val1, double val2) {
return val1 + val2;
You add a reflection to your C++ class using non-intrusive syntax:
// class meta data
rttr::metadata(rttr_rpc::meta_data_type::thread_safe, true),
rttr::metadata(rttr_rpc::meta_data_type::description, "Calculator service obj"),
rttr::metadata(rttr_rpc::meta_data_type::version, "7.0")
.method("sum", rttr::select_overload<double(double, double)>(&Calculator::sum))(
rttr::parameter_names("val1", "val2"),
rttr::metadata(rttr_rpc::meta_data_type::description, "Summation of scalars")
Bind a class instance to RTTR-RPC service repository:
// service repository
rttr_rpc::core::repository repo;
// an instance of your service
Calculator calc;
// bind the object to the service repository
repo.add_service("calc", calc);
invoke the instance method using JSON-RPC request:
// example of JSON-RPC request
auto request = std::make_shared <jsonrpc::request> (3, "calc.sum", R"([42.0,24.0])");
// process the JSON-RPC request
auto response = repo.process_message(request);
It's also allowed to use named arguments:
// example of JSON-RPC request with named arguments
auto request = std::make_shared <jsonrpc::request> (3, "calc.sum", R"({"val1": 42.0, "val2": 24.0)");
// process the JSON-RPC request
auto response = repo.process_message(request);
rpc-web-channel uses the JSON Schema Service Descriptor for building JS stubs on client side
new rpc-web-channel(jrpc, function(services) {
let calc = services.calc;
calc.sum(42.0, 24.0).then(function (result) {
// do something with the result
rpc-web-channel utilizes the JSON Schema Service Descriptor format for discovering service list on a Service Descriptor compatible JSON-RPC 2.0 server and uses the React Jon Schema Form for the UI forms generation. A generated UI Form allows specifying parameter values and invokes a server-side method using rpc-web-channel.
An example of generated form:
Parameter values validation:
Composite parameters:
Server invocation:
Look at rpc-web-channel React From example for details.
- RTTR-RPC::io - JSON serialization/deserialization mechanism build on top of RTTR reflection. This component actively used by RTTR-RPC::core
- RTTR-RPC::jsonrpc - base infrastructure of JSON-RPC messages.
- RTTR-RPC::core - JSON-RPC layer based on top of rttr reflection and RTTR-RPC::io serialization
- RTTR-RPC::beast - JSON-RPC HTTP/WebSocket server implementation using Boost.Beast
- rpc-web-channel.js - JavaScript layer over simple-jsonrpc-js which uses the JSON Schema Service Descriptor for building JS stubs on client side.
- cd 3rd_party/rttr
- mkdir build && cd mkdir
- cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=../install -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" ..
- cmake --build . --target install
- mkdir build && cd mkdir
- cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" ..
- cmake --build . --target install