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Assorted CLI utils

Running in Docker

docker run --rm -it keboola/cli-utils php ./cli.php

Mass Dedup

Loads project ids and tables from a CSV file and runs a dedup job on each table.


php cli.php storage:mass-dedup MANAGETOKEN /usr/ondra/data.csv

Dry run

Does not create the job or the snapshot.

php cli.php storage:mass-dedup MANAGETOKEN /usr/ondra/data.csv --dry-run

CSV data sample


Redshift Deep Copy

Performs a deep copy of a table in Redshift backend. Fails if there are any aliases based on this table.

php cli.php storage:redshift-deep-copy PROJECTTOKEN in.c-main.buggy-table

Bulk Project Add Feature

Adds a project feature to multiple projects

php cli.php manage:projects-add-feature [-f|--force] <token> <url> <featureName> <projects>

By in argument <projects> you can

  • select projects to add the feature to by specifying project IDs separated by a comma (e.g. 1,2,3,4)
    • manage:projects-add-feature <token> <url> <featureName> 1,2,3
  • OR run the script for ALL projects in the stack by passing all argumetn
    • manage:projects-add-feature <token> <url> <featureName> all

Note: the feature has to exist before calling, and it has to be type of project

Bulk Project Remove Feature

Removes a project feature from multiple projects

php cli.php manage:projects-remove-feature [-f|--force] <token> <url> <featureName> <projects>

By in argument <projects> you can

  • select projects to add the feature to by specifying project IDs separated by a comma (e.g. 1,2,3,4)
    • manage:projects-remove-feature <token> <url> <featureName> 1,2,3
  • OR run the script for ALL projects in the stack by passing all argument
    • manage:projects-remove-feature <token> <url> <featureName> all

Notify Projects

Prepare input data.csv:

"9","Test notification","Test notification content"

Command execution:

cat data.csv |  php cli.php storage:notify-projects MANAGETOKEN

Mass project extend expiration:

Prepare input file "extend.txt" from looker


Prepare env:


Run command:

php cli.php manage:mass-project-remove-expiration extend.txt 0

Use number of days or 0 as show to remove expiration completely. By default, it's dry-run. Override with -f parameter.

Mass GD project drop:

Prepare input file "projects.csv" with project IDs:


Prepare .env file from .env.dist:


Run command:

php cli.php gooddata:delete-projects

To actually drop the projects add -f flag. Default is dry-run.

Add a feature to project templates

You can add a project feature to all the project templates available on the stack

php cli.php manage:add-feature-to-templates [-f|--force] <token> <url> <featureName> <featureTitle> [<featureDesc>]

This command supports dry-run. Add the -f flag if you want to submit the changes

Bulk operation on multiple stacks

If you want to run your command on multiple stacks, you can predefine stacks and manageTokens in http-client files and then use manage:call-on-stacks command to run it on all the defined stack. How?

  1. make a copy of http-client.env.json.dist and http-client.private.env.json.dist and remove the .dist part.
  2. Fill stack URLs and corresponding manageToken
  3. Run the command in following form php cli.php manage:call-on-stacks <target command> "<params of your commnand>"
    • <target command> has to support arguments token and url in this order
    • "<params of your commnand>" contain all the params for your target command but without token and url arguments. This part has to be quotet.
      • E.g. I want to run manage:add-feature-to-templates <token> <url> featureXX featureTitle featureDesc -f
      • So I call php cli.php manage:call-on-stacks manage:add-feature-to-templates "featureXX featureTitle featureDesc -f"
  4. The command iterates over the stacks and asks your confirmation if you want to run the taget command there. You can skip it

Load Queue Jobs Lineage events into Marqueez

export STORAGE_API_TOKEN=<token>
php cli.php storage:lineage-events-export <marquezUrl> [<connectionUrl>] [--limit=100] [--job-names-configurations]

Loads last N (default 100) jobs into Marquez tool. Export has two modes:

  • default - jobs are identified by job IDs
  • with --job-names-configurations option - job are identified by component and configuration IDs

Mass Project Queue Migration

  • Create a manage token.

  • Prepare input file (e.g. "projects") with ids of the projects to migrate to new Queue.

  • Run the mass migration command

    php cli.php manage:mass-project-queue-migration <manage_token> <kbc_url> <file_with_projects>

    The command will do the following for every projectId in the source file:

    • add project feature queuev2
    • create and run configuration of keboola.queue-migration-tool component
    • if a job was successful, it will disable legacy orchestrations in the project
    • if a job ended with error, it will remove the queuev2 feature from the project
  • After migration delete your manage token you have created and used for migrations.

Mass project enable dynamic backends


  • Create a manage token.

  • Prepare input file (e.g. "projects") with ID of the projects you want to enable dynamic backends for.

  • Run the mass migration command

    php cli.php manage:mass-project-enable-dynamic-backends [--force-new-trans -f] <manage_token> <kbc_url> <file_with_projects> 

The command will do the following for every projectId in the source file:

  • check if the project has project feature queuev2. If not, project migration fails
  • check if the project has project feature new-transformations-only. If not, it offers to add it. If the --force-new-trans is provided, it won't ask, but it will do it automatically
  • run storage:tmp:enable-workspace-snowflake-dynamic-backend-size storage command on the stack for the selected project. It reports error if it fails.

Mass job termination command

This command can be used to terminate all jobs in a project in specified state (created, waiting or processing).

  • Create a Storage token

  • Run the command

    php ./cli.php queue:terminate-project-jobs <storage-token> <connection-url> <job-status>

Delete Orphaned Workspaces command

This command can be used to delete all workspace in a project that were made for componentIds in the component-list argument and that were created before the until-date argument. The usecase for this command is to remove workspaces that were not cleaned after transformation failures. It will perform a dry run unleass the --force/-f option is applied.

  • Create a Storage token

  • Run the command

    php ./cli.php storage:delete-orphaned=workspaces [--force/-f] <storage-token> <component-list> <untile-date> <hostname-suffix> 

Delete Orphaned Workspaces in Organization command

This command can be used to delete all workspace in an organization that were made for componentIds in the component argument and that were created before the until-date argument. The usecase for this command is to remove workspaces that were not cleaned after transformation failures. It will perform a dry run unleass the --force/-f option is applied.

  • Create a Storage token

  • Run the command

    php ./cli.php manage:delete-organization-workspaces [--force/-f] <manage-token> <organization-id> <component> <untile-date> <hostname-suffix> 

Set Storage Backend for Orjanization

This commaand is rather specific to BYODB snowflake backend migration. You can use it to set all projects of an organization to use a storage backend.

  • Run the command
    php ./cli.php manage:set-organization-storage-backend [--force/-f] <manage-token> <organization-id> <storage-backend-id> <hostname-suffix> 

Set maintenance mode for organization

This command can be used to enable/disable all projects in an organization The usecase for this command is to set all projects into maintenance at once for byodb migration. It will perform a dry run unleass the --force/-f option is applied.


  • Manage Token required

  • OrganizationId required

  • Maintenance Mode required (on or off)

  • Hostname sUffix optional (default:

  • Disable reason optional

  • Estimated end time optional

  • Run the command

    php ./cli.php manage:set-organization-maintenance-mode [--force/-f] <manage-token> <organization Id> <on/off> <hostname-suffix> <reason> <estimatedEndTime> 

Delete Sandboxes/Workspaces that were created by no longer active token id

This command can be used to delete all sandboxes and workspaces in a project that were create with a token that is no longer active in the project To also delete shared workspaces created by inactive tokens use the --includeShared option. It will perform a dry run unleass the --force/-f option is applied.


  • Storage Token required
  • Hostname suffix optional (default:


  • --force/-f

  • --includeShared

  • Run the command

    php ./cli.php storage:delete-ownerless-workspaces [--force/-f] [--includeShared] <storage-token> <hostname-suffix> 

Describe Connection Workspaces for an organization

This command takes an output file argument and writes out a csv describing all connection workspaces in an organisation. The output file has header: 'projectId', 'projectName', 'branchId', 'branchName', 'componentId', 'configurationId', 'creatorEmail', 'createdDate', 'snowflakeSchema', 'readOnlyStorageAccess'


  • Manage Token required

  • Organisation Id required

  • Output File required

  • Hostname suffix optional (default:

  • Run the command

    php ./cli.php manage:describe-organization-workspaces <manage-token> <organization-id> <output-file> <hostname-suffix> 


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