A simple static page Dapp - It stores and retrieves a string value from the blockchain
Demo Url [Note- you need metamask. Set it to Rinkeby testnet]
Network: Rinkeby
Contract address: 0xb9d4c3049b6c7340890d849b8b4888acc17cc0b5 [Explorer]
Contract gist: https://gist.github.com/keepRunning/5860fb777df07b233cf2c319fc49d7ff
To access the contract directly, You can load the same contract code in remix ide, set the compiler version to 0.5.3+commit, and environment to Injected Web3(with Metamask set to Rinkeby) and load the above contract address.
You can get test ether(testnet use only) using the Rinkeby Faucet - https://faucet.rinkeby.io/