To install MIC:
git clone
cd metric-ion-classification
conda env create --name mic-env -f mic-env.yml
conda activate mic-env
pip install .
Installation may take some time, especially regarding conda dependency solving. We strongly recommend using an updated conda with conda-libmamba-solver, in which case installation should take a few minutes.
If you encounter issues intalling LUNA, see installation instructions.
The dependencies for MIC are listed in mic-env.yml, reproduced here:
- rdkit
- seaborn
- openbabel
- pip
- pymol-open-source
- xopen
- colorlog
- networkx
- scipy
- pytorch
- cpuonly
- numpy=1.21.6
- biopython==1.72
- mmh3==2.5.1
- pdbecif
- joblib
- tqdm
- scikit-learn
- simplejson
- MIC has been successfully installed and tested on Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04, and 22.04, Mac OS Monterey through Sonoma, and on a Windows machine running Ubuntu through WSL.
To run:
mic_predict -o <outfile> -e <path/to/entry_file>[optional] </path/to/pdb_file>
- pdb_file / pdb_dir : path to either 1) a single PDB file in the case of running one 1 file or 2) a directory containing multuple PDB files, used with --entries flag
- -e/--entries: Run individual examples from a single file or multiple PDB files. See below.
- -n/--num_processes: Number of concurrent processes to use for FP generation - default 8
- -o/--outfile: CSV created to store generated fingerprints or MIC predictions. If not provided, output is displayed in the terminal.
- -p/--preds_only: Only output predictions, not full probabilities from SVC.
- -ext/--extended_set: Generate predictions for the extended set of labels (K, Mn,Iod,Fe,Br)
- -cpu/--cpu_only: Ignore available GPUs and generate all predictions on CPU.
- -co/--symexp_cutoff: Radius in angstroms around densities kept following symmetry expansion. If running a single PDB file, it is recommended to use 7 for X-ray crystallography or -1 for Cryo-EM structures. Only use other values if you are planning on training a new model - default 7
The following options are NOT recommended to change from their defaults, unless intending to train a new model. Do not change these if running predictions alone.
- -t/--fp_type: Type of fingerprint to generate and use, options are ['prune-eifp']
- -l/--length: length of the fingerprint vector to be generated - default 4096
- -sn/--shell_number: number of shells to use during fingerprint generation - default 18
- -sr/--shell_radius: shell radius to use during fingerprint generation - default 0.25
- -ub/--unblinded: flag to not zero the invariants of spherical densities
- -b/--bit: whether to generate count fingerprints or bit fingerprints - default is count
Entries are used to generate predictions for specific densities within a single PDB file or across multiple PDB files in one MIC run. To run with entries, the first argument to mic_predict should be a path to the directory containing all pdb files, while the entries argument should be a csv in the format 'pdb_id,chain,name,res_number,skip_symexpansion (must be on for Cryo-EM structures)':
To confirm correct installation:
pip install pytest
python -m pytest
The tests may take a few minutes to run.
Actively under development, coming soon!
If you use this software, please cite our preprint.