A Twitter bot to extract tweets of a given hashtag
a. pip install selenium
b. pip install twython
Note: Both bots only retrieve tweets associated with a hashtag. Pass the search term without '#' to the terminal
To extract tweets for hashtags older than a week old(Web crawling)
a) Download Selenium Webdriver for Chrome. Change path accordingly on line 49 of crawlerBot.py
b)python crawlerBot.py hashtagToSearch filename.csv
c) On a CSV file with the passed name, for every tweet, the following are saved:
i. Username
ii. The tweet
iii. The date
iv. Number of retweets
v. Number of likes
vi. Number of replies -
To extract tweets for hashtags less than a week old (Using Twitter API)
a) Go to https://apps.twitter.com/ and register for API keys. Update lines 39-42 appropriately
b)python APIBot.py hashtagToSearch filename.json
c) On a JSON file with the passed name, ALL the data provided for each tweet(IT'S A LOT!!) by the Twitter API is dumped as as a JSON array