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Releases: keroroxzz/habitat_ros

v 0.2.1

29 Jun 16:55
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This is the habitat_ros 0.2.1.

Update Log:

  • Use a simple robot as the default robot
  • Correct "translation" to "position" in the robot config file
  • Minor improvement of the code

We provide an example of creating your own robot in a different package.

  1. install habitat_ros

  2. download in the latest release and decompress it to your {catkin_ws}/src/

  3. catkin_make your workspace

  4. Run the following comamnd to use the example robot in a isolated package.

    roslaunch robot_example robot_example.launch

v 0.2.0

03 Jul 17:46
Choose a tag to compare

This is the habitat_ros 0.2.0.

We provide an example of creating your own robot in a different package.

  1. install habitat_ros
  2. download and decompress this to your {catkin_ws}/src/
  3. catkin_make your workspace
  4. roslaunch myrobot myrobot.launch