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A place to store your dotfiles and move them around different machines.


Now using yadm to manage the dots.

sudo apt install yadm
yadm clone
yadm config local.class Home
yadm alt

Stuff to apt install

sudo apt install vim vim-gtk xclip tmux zsh zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting \
git htop btop minicom tree autojump python3-pip taskwarrior nitrogen numlockx xautolock \
libcanberra-gtk-module rofi dmenu thunar i3lock-fancy lxappearance awesome awesome-extra \
golang rust-all light libfuse2 bat fd-find python-is-python3 maim xdotool

Further stuff to install since moving to Neovim

sudo apt install flake8 black

Grab Stylua from

Unpack the binary ~/bin and chmod +x

Stuff to install from other sources


awesomewm (for fixes ahead of the version offered by Canonical - compile from source).

Appman for Appimages

wget -O ~/.local/bin/appman && chmod a+x ~/.local/bin/appman

When launching appman for the first time it will ask where should appimages be installed. Create the following directory for this:


Install some appimages

appman -i nvim
appman -i wezterm
appman -i obsidian
appman -i via
appman -i vial
appman -i zen-browser

After install they will be in the path under ~/.local/bin/

Building Awesome

build-dep will install all source dev packages required to build awesome

sudo apt build-dep awesome
git clone
cd awesome
sudo make install

build-dep wasn't enough to allow the build of awesome. The following packages are also required:

sudo apt install libxcb-xfixes0-dev

Warning Firefox can take upto 25sec to boot from cold due to xdg-desktop-portal being installed
when using awesomewm.

Axe em:
apt remove "xdg-desktop-portal*"




Starship prompt

Oh my zsh

git clone ~/.oh-my-zsh/

Nvim dependencies

npm from apt store is too old to work with lsp python server (pywright), so needs installing from upstream.

curl -fsSL | bash -
sudo apt install nodejs
sudo npm install -g neovim

### Better terminal
Install Alacritty

sudo snap install alacritty --edge --classic

Stuff to configure

Roots Crontab

Install the following into roots crontab to update Awesomemw apt update status every 2 hours.

sudo crontab-e
0 */2 * * * /usr/bin/apt update -q > /var/log/automaticupdates.log

For Laptops

Installing deb package light to control laptop backlight also requires the local user to be added to the video group.

When using Awesomewm single tapping the touchpad does not result in a mouse click. xinput can be used to find the touchpad, then enable the options required, however this is not transferable to other laptops. For example the following would be needed for the Dell XPS

# touchpad  is id 10, now list its properties
xinput list-props 10
# finds that id 362 is single tap enable and id 346 is natural scrolling
xinput set-prop 10 362 1
xinput set-prop 10 346 1

Instead make the following change to Xorg config

sudo mkdir -p /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/
# Add the following contents to a file called 90-touchpad.cond

Section "InputClass"
        Identifier "touchpad"
        MatchIsTouchpad "on"
        Driver "libinput"
        Option "Tapping" "on"
        Option "TappingButtonMap" "lrm"
        Option "NaturalScrolling" "on"
        Option "ScrollMethod" "twofinger"

Then restart gdm3 or reboot and the touchpad will work as expected.