** A work in progress repository for quantum control using Reinforcement Learning with QuTip** Quantum Control for high fidelity and fast quantum gates plays a crucial role in scalable quantum computing as it is an interface between the hardware stack and the cloud/compiler stack. The project is an attempt to make a universal (hardware independent) software solution for quantum control using Reinforcement learning.
- Reinforcement laerning and optimal control (Prof. Dimitri P. Bertsekas)
- Universal quantum control through deep reinforcement learning, Murphy Yuezhen Niu, Sergio Boixo, Vadim N. Smelyanskiy & Hartmut Neven
- Reinforcement Learning in Different Phases of Quantum Control, Marin Bukov, Alexandre G.R. Day, Dries Sels, Phillip Weinberg, Anatoli Polkovnikov and Pankaj Mehta1