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Setup dev environment

Setup your local machine

  1. Install dependencies
    yarn install
  2. Create a folder to store secrets locally, also create the file to store environment variables
    mkdir secrets
    touch secrets/dev.env
  3. Setup ngrok
    1. Sign up in ngrok website:
    2. Install ngrok binary on Mac
      brew install ngrok/ngrok/ngrok
    3. Run ngrok to point to your local Node.js port, it's usually port 3000
      ngrok http 3000

Configure Slack

  1. Head to
  2. Click "Create New App".
  3. Go to "OAuth & Permissions", click "Add an OAuth Scope", select "chat:write" and click "Save".
  4. Click "Create Bot Token".
  5. Copy the "Bot User OAuth Token" value and paste it in local file named secrets/dev.env. Please the value in the file in this format without the '<>' characters.
  6. Go to "Basic Information", copy the "Signing Secret" value. Paste it in the "secrets/dev.env" file without the '<>' characters.
  7. Go to "App Manifest", make sure to select the YAML section, paste the content of your local slack-app-manifest.yml. Replace with the your ngrok URL. Click "Save Changes".

Configure Cloud Firestore

  1. Sign up for Firebase
  2. Create a new Firestore project
  3. In the Firebase console, open Project Settings > Service Accounts > Firebase Admin SDK.
  4. Click "Generate New Private Key", then confirm by clicking "Generate Key".
  5. Save the key file into secrets/ folder that you've created.
  6. Add a new environment variable in secrets/dev.env to point to the key file. Note, the value must be in absolute path.



  1. Run the bot
    yarn dev

How to use?

You can use this slack bot with Slack commands in any channel or message. Supported Slack commands are:

  • /todo-i
  • /todo-list <all | open | done>
  • /todo-done TODO_ITEM_ID
  • /todo-delete TODO_ITEM_ID

Alternatively, you can use it from "App Home". Just select "slack-todo-bot" in the sidebar.

Known issues

  • Cannot re-open a completed TODO item
  • Cannot edit the content of TODO item
  • Cannot delete the TODO item with UI, though you can delete with command /todo-delete
  • /todo-list command displays checkboxes in the message. User can check off the TODO item, but it will not update the item with a strike line
  • UI / command callbacks are mis-placed in views module. They should be in separate "middleware" modules.
  • Unit tests are missing
  • Slack limits the number of checkboxes to 10 at a time, the workaround right now is to group 10 checkboxes as an element, but that causes an extra line spacing between the groups