Modality is a transitions library to present modal views and includes some cool transition effects.
The ModalityExample project contains the source code for the example.
##Getting started
Modality is available on CocoaPods.
In your podfile
pod 'Modality', '~> 0.0.1'
To start a transition, first import a transition animator. Modality currently has the following:
Then, for example, import:
#import <Modality/MODTransitionAnimatorSlideModal.h>
Each animator will import the required headers to configure the transition.
###Creating the transition animator
Create the transition animator using its factory method:
MODTransitionAnimatorSlideModal *animator = [MODTransitionAnimatorSlideModal transitionAnimatorWithDirection:MODDirectionBottom destinationViewLength:200];
###Setting up the transition
If you are presenting the view controller manually, do the following (this is a category method for UIViewController):
[self MOD_presentViewController:modalController withTransitionAnimator:animator duration:MODDefaulTransitionDuration completion:nil];
Else, if you are presenting through the Storyboard, do the following:
- (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender {
UIViewController *destinationController = segue.destinationViewController;
[destinationController MOD_animateWithTransitionAnimator:animator duration:MODDefaulTransitionDuration];
Comments and suggestions much welcome
Kevin Wong, @kevinwl02
Code distributed under the MIT license