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Keyper Android SDK Developers Guide

SDK Version: 1.0.11


Last Updated: 11.07.2018

The keyper SDK offers developers a complete mobile ticket solution, that they can include and use within their apps.

Getting Started

In order to get started, fire up Android Studio and add the following snippet to the top of your app module build.gradle file.

repositories {
    maven { url "" }

If you already have a repositories closure, then just include the maven part.

Then include the keyper SDK as a dependency:

dependencies {
	compile ''

Hit Sync, gradle will build the project and you should be ready to go.


Here we collect some common issues. Please take a look if you run into some issues. If you still have troubles, please do not hesitate contacting us.


If you get the following error while building, then you have to enable multi dex support. You can learn more at the link below.

Error: The number of method references in a .dex file cannot exceed 64K.
Learn how to resolve this issue at

To do so, just add the following line to your defaultConfig closure:

multiDexEnabled true

Then add this dependency to your build.gradle dependencies closure:

compile ''

Finally, you have to add use a MiltiDexApplication class. If you do not use a custom Application class, then just add the following to your application tag in AndroidManifest.xml


If on the other hand you have your own application subclass, then just add the following line in the onAttachBaseContext(Context base) method in your custom application class:


Depending on your Android Studio settings, you might get an error, that there is not enough heap space. If that is the case, then you can increase it by adding the following to your android closure:

dexOptions {
	javaMaxHeapSize "2g" // "4g"
Version conflicts

If you utilise the support library or the play-services library, you might get version conflicts. In order to handle these, please exclude them from the keyper-sdk dependency. However, keep in mind that the SDK needs the following dependencies, so you might need to introduce newer versions of these manually. If you still have troubles, please contact us.


The minSdkVersion of the keyper SDK ist 15 (Android 4.0.3 IceCreamSandwich).

The SDK utilizes the following permissions:

  • android.permission.INTERNET In order to connect with the keyper backend service.
  • android.permission.READ_CONTACTS In order to read the phone contacts, so that a user can send tickets to their contacts. The permission is handled correctly on Android 6+. The user is prompted the first time they start the keyper ticketing area.
  • android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE In order to cache some data on the device. The data is stored privately and is accessible only to the app (unless the device is rooted).
  • android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE for GoogleMaps
  • for GoogleMaps
  • for GoogleMaps

The SDK utilizes its own Google Maps key.

Sample App

If you want to see a working app, please checkout this repository.

Once you checkout the repository, you will have to do a few things in order to test all features of the SDK.

  1. Create and login with your own keyper test user with the script. It will give you an auth token (uuid), which you can then change in the MainActivity#HOST_APP_TOKEN. You will have to add a new token each time you logout from the app. Note that usually you will receive a token from an Oauth Service or similar.

  2. (Optional) Add your own gcm_id in app/build.gradle if you want to test the push notifications as well. If you are not sure how to do this, please consult the GCM guide.

  3. (Optional) If you use for deep linking, you can integrate branch in your own app and pass the deep link information to the keyper sdk. The keyper sdk will handle the deep link and will help you improve your apps UX. Read more below.

  4. There is no step 4.

Once you have done these steps, you can run the app on an emulator or a device.

If you'd like to integrate the SDK in your own app, please consult the next chapter.


The SDK consists of a singleton instance that exposes some helper methods and a few classes (Activities, Fragments, etc), that help you integrate a complete mobile ticket solution to your app.


To initialize the SDK, you can use the following snippet in your Application or any Activity.

KeyperSDK sdk = KeyperSDK.with(this).appSecret("yourAppSecret").get();

this is a Context object.

Note, that you will have to obtain an app secret from the b2b web app. Read the Login Chapter for more info on this.

Note, that it is recommended to use an activity or the Application object, if you are making use of GCM and the keyper notifications. Read more in the Notifications chapter.

Keep a reference to the SDK in order to interact with it. Alternatively, you can obtain a reference to the SDK with:

KeyperSDK sdk = KeyperSDK.getInstance();

Note, however, that if it is not initialized some of the helper methods will throw an IllegalStateException.

To avoid this, you can check if the SDK is initialized by calling: sdk.isInitialized();


Once you have the SDK configured, you can connect a user of your app with the keyper service. To do so, you have to configure your keyper b2b account in the keyper b2b web app or the keyper b2b sandbox webapp.

There you can configure an app secret, as well as a route identifier, which you will need in order to oauth with the keyper service.

In order to authenticate the user against the keyper service, use the following code snippet:

sdk.login(routeIdentifier, userTokenOfHostApp);
// or
sdk.login(routeIdentifier, userTokenOfHostApp, sessionCallback)

The route identifier is configured in the b2b web app. The host app token is the session token of your user. The session callback provides two callback methods, that help you identify if the operation was successful or not.

Once you have authenticated your user, you can present the user with the mobile ticket part of the SDK.

If you are not sure if the SDK is authenticated, you can use the following helper method.


Display The Mobile Ticket Area

In order to display the mobile ticket area, you have two choices.

  1. You can start a new activity (provided by the SDK) that is just added to your activity stack. This is easier to do but the less flexible from the two options.

To start the mobile ticket activity, use the follwing snipped:

KeyperTicketsActivity_.intent(this).start(); //"this" is a context or a fragment.

Note, that the SDK has to be authenticated.

  1. You can incorporate a fragment in your own activity. This option gives you more flexibility. For example if you want to swap this fragment via a navigation drawer.

You can add the KeyperTicketsFragment via xml:

        android:name="" />

or programmatically, like this:

KeyperTicketsFragment fragment = KeyperTicketsFragment_.builder().build();


When you want to clear the keyper data from the device (e.g. when you logout your user), you can use the following methods, to do so:

// or

The logout method will clear the keyper user session and all related data from the device as well as unsubscribe the device from the keyper push notifications (if they were configured).

You can use a sessionCallback (as within the login operation), if you want to get feedback, if the operation succeeded or not.


If you want your users to obtain keyper notifications, e.g. when they get a new ticket offer, or a new friend request, then you have to take the following actions.


Submit the device registration id (GCM Push Token) to the sdk. Note, that you have to have a valid user session, so you have to login first. You can do so, via:

sdk.subscribeForPushNotifications(gcmToken); // gcmToken is a String

You should call this method every time, when the gcm token gets refreshed. Follow the link to see how to obtain and handle GCM push notifications on android.


In order to allow the keyper SDK to handle the received notifications, you have to propagate them to the SDK, once you received them. The SDK offers you a few helper methods, to help you do that.

Once you obtain a notification (a Bundle object usually in GcmListenerService.onMessageReceived(String s, Bundle bundle)), you can inspect the notification like so:

if (sdk.isKeyperNotification(bundle)) { ... }

Note: Do not forget to check if the sdk is initialized and initialize it properly. If your app was killed and the GcmListenerService was just started in background, the SDK will not be initialized.

If this is a keyper notification, the SDK gives you a few options how to handle it. The easiest is, to just pass the Bundle object to


A call to this method will inspect the notification, checking if the app is in background or foreground and handle the notifications accordingly. If the app is in background or not started, then a notification will be shown within the system status bar. If the mobile ticket area is open, then the app will handle the notification silently and update its relevant views.

Important: If you have initialized the SDK with a context other than an Activity or Application, then the SDK cannot infer if the app is in background or foreground. In such cases a notification will always be displayed in the system status bar.

There is one issue with this type of notification handling. Nothing will happen, once the user clicks on the notification, which is not a great UX. In order to start the app, the SDK provides you with some hints and another version of the handleNotification method that allows you to set a PendingIntent.

You can use: sdk.getRecommendedAction(bundle);, which will return a KeyperNotificationRecommendedHostAppAction enum.

The enum has a few recommended actions, which you can use as a hint to infer what kind of PendingIntent to set. In general, you can prepare a pending intent showing the KeyperTicketsActivity or your own wrapping activity of KeyperTicketsFragment, or you have to first login and then start the KeyperTicketsActivity or your own one.

If you, for some reason, want to always display a notification in the status bar, then you can initialize the sdk with the displayNotificationsInStatusBar(true) method. This will force handleNotification to always display the PN. There is also a helper method sdk.displayNotificationInStatusBar(bundle, pendingIntent); which allows you to directly display a push notification. Once again, be sure to check the recommended action, in order to setup the pending intent correctly.

InApp Notifications

Some apps will want to display the notifications as In-App Notifications. In order to deserialize the message, there is a helper method sdk.getKeyperNotification(Bundle), that retrieves a POJO of the keyper notification. Currently this is a very simple class with only to fields title and text. In the future, this will be extended to provide more infos as they become necessary.

Deep Linking with

If you have a mobile web app that displays ticket data, or if you'd like to forward your mobile web users to your native mobile app, you can use This improves the UX tremendously and will probably improve your conversion rate. If you are willing to go the extra mile, first you will have to integrate in your project. You can find more infos at, but a reference implementation has been added to this project for your convenience as well.

Once your app is summoned via branch, you can just pass the deep link information (JSONObject) to the keyper sdk and it will take care of most of the work. However, if you utilize branch for other purposes as well, you might want to inspect if the deep link is a keyper link first and pass it to the keyper sdk only in such instances. To do so, you can use the isKeyperDeepLink method.

If you don't care about this, you can just forward the deep link info to the sdk and it will handle it for you. Don't worry, it is null safe.

In some instances, the sdk will need input from the user and for that the keyper root screen has to be started. We like to give you full control of when to do this, as your app might do something else that is more important right now (e.g. completing a purchase). In order to know if the sdk has to be started, you can implement a simple broadcast receiver and listen for the KeyperSDK.Events.KPR_BCR_ACTION_SHOW_KEYPER_SCREEN action. Once you receive such a broadcast you can finish whatever you are doing and start the sdk at your convenience. One example of such a state would be, if you open the app from a web link with the user but the current logged in user within your sample app is The keyper SDK will detect such states and will request that you start it. Once you do, the SDK will prompt the user for an action. In this case, whether or not the given tickets should be imported within the logged in account.

Note If for whatever reason your app is interrupted between the time you receive the broadcast event and the time you start the keyper sdk, the deep link information will be lost and the user will have to open it again.


The SDK allows you to customize the activities, fragments and views a bit, in order to make them feel more native to your own app. The configurator of the SDK (that you saw in the first chapter), offers a few more options. The following displays all available options and describes them one by one.

KeyperSDK keyperSDK = KeyperSDK
        .toolbarTypeface(FontUtils.getFont(this, FontUtils.LOBSTER_REGULAR))
method description default value
appSecret(String) Sets an app secret that authenticates your version of the SDK The default value is an empty string, which is not a valid app secret
baseURL(String) Allows you to change the base url of the keyper service. For example, if, you want to develop against the keyper sandbox environment.
actionColorResource Sets a color resource, that is used throughout the sdk, for specific elements and views. It is recommended to take the accent color. The default value resolves to: #00cc99
toolbarBackgroundColorResource Sets a color resource, that is used in the toolbars throughout activities in the SDK. The default value resolves to: #00cc99
toolbarTextColorResource Sets a color resource for the text color used in toolbars throughout the SDK The default value resolves to: #ffffff
toolbarTitleSizeResource Sets a dimen resource for the text size used in the KeyperTicketsActivity. The default value is: 10sp
toolbarTitleResource Sets the i18n string resource used in the KeyperTicketsActivity. The default value resolves to: "Tickets"
toolbarTypeface Sets a custom typeface in the KeyperTicketsActivity toolbar. The default is: Typeface.create("sans-serif-medium", Typeface.NORMAL);
sendTicketBadgeDrawableResource Sets a custom badge in some keyper views, to denote that the user already is a user of your app. The default is null
displayNotificationsInStatusBar A boolean flag which denotes if a notification should always be shown, when calling handleNotification, disregarding the foreground state of the app The default is false

Note: FontUtils is a helper class, that reads a custom font (lobster) from an asset. It is included in the sample project.

Important: If you initialize your SDK more than once in a single session, the values will be overwritten with the once you use last. If you customize the SDK make sure, you set the properties, each time and in all places where you setup the SDK. It is recommended, that you do the SDK initialization in a single place.


If you are using proguard, you might need to include the following in your proguard file:

-dontwarn io.keyper.**
-dontwarn io.branch.**
-dontwarn okio.**
-dontwarn okhttp3.**

-keep class io.keyper.** { *; }
-keep class** { *; }
-keep class okhttp3.** { *; }


If you have any questions, feedback, bugs to report, please do not hesitate contacting


Sample application using the keyper SDK for Android







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