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A simple API for the images recognition using AWS Rekognition on the back-end. Using the Serverless framework for describing infrastructure.

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Serverless Image Recognition v2⚡🔎

serverless made-with-python Tests contributions welcome Awesome

A simple API for the images recognition using AWS Rekognition on the back-end. Using the Serverless framework for describing infrastructure.


A simple API for the recognition of images using AWS Rekognition on the back-end. The API stores an image, does image recognition and labeling on it and returns results to the user in two ways, with a provided callback or a using GET /blobs/{blob_id} endpoint.

This is an updated version from image-recognition-api:

  • Applying code best practice.
  • Applying better project structure.
  • Applying better logging and error handling.

Architecture diagram
Architecture diagram


  • Clone the repository:

    $ git clone
  • Navigate to the directory:

    $ cd .\serverless-image-recognition\

This project uses serverless framework ⚡. So, make sure you get that first and give the necessary permissions to serverless cli. Follow this page for getting started.

  • Deploy the stack:
    $ serverless deploy
    ✔ Service deployed to stack image-recognition-dev
  • After deployment is successful, you can check the deployed stack details using:
    $ serverless info
    service: image-recognition
    stage: dev
    region: us-east-1
    stack: image-recognition-dev
    POST - https://***
    GET - https://***{blob_id}
    createBlob: image-recognition-dev-createBlob
    getBlob: image-recognition-dev-getBlob
    labelImage: image-recognition-dev-labelImage
    callback: image-recognition-dev-callback
    pyimage: arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:***:layer:pyimage:42


1- Send a POST request to Create blob endpoint POST /blobs to get a blob_id and a pre-signed url to upload your image:

  • You can use cURL to send requests or you can use Postman or REQBIN.
  • You can use to get a callback url to receive status updates.
  • Request:
    • cURL:
      curl --location --request POST 'https://***' \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --data-raw '{
          "callback_url": ""
    • Postman:

      Create blob
      Create blob

  • Response:
        "blob_id": "01GEJ202KZ7PEBZ36X401352AE",
        "invocation_status": "ACTION_REQUIRED",
        "requested_on": "2022-10-04 17:51:46.815566+00:00",
        "upload_url": "",
        "callback_url": "",
        "_links": {
            "status": ""
    • Use the upload_url to upload your image.
    • Use the blob_id to retrieve status from GET /blobs/{blob_id}
    • Also, you will recieve status update on the callback_url - if provided.

2- Upload your image:

  • cURL:
    curl --location --request PUT '' \
    --header 'Content-Type: image/jpeg' \
    --data-binary '@/PATH/TO/YOUR/IMAGE/test1.jpeg'
  • Postman:

    Upload image
    Upload image

3- Retrieve Status:

  • Request:
    • cURL:
      curl --location --request GET ''
    • Postman:

      Retrieve status
      Retrieve status


    "blob_id": "01GEJ202KZ7PEBZ36X401352AE",
    "invocation_status": "COMPLETED",
    "requested_on": "2022-10-04 17:51:46.815566+00:00",
    "started_on": "2022-10-04 17:53:14.793551+00:00",
    "completed_on": "2022-10-04 17:53:15.236018+00:00",
    "labels": [
        "Sports Car",
    "callback_url": ""


To remove the stack and all the services and resources:

$ serverless remove

✔ Service image-recognition has been successfully removed


A simple API for the images recognition using AWS Rekognition on the back-end. Using the Serverless framework for describing infrastructure.





