Ebo is a hybrid test framework that helps automation engineers/developers to write less code with high maintainability. It is a mixture between page object pattern and data-driven and uses libraries like Selenium-java, Extentreports, Jackson-databind and Apache POI.
The framework is available to be downloaded from here Use the package manager maven if you are creating a maven project. To install ebo add this dependency in your pom.xml file
Then run this command
mvn install
If you attempt to create a java project then navigate to https://search.maven.org/search?q=ebo and choose from download "jar-with-dependencies.jar" and then import this jar in your project.
If i want to write automated tests for this webpage
The First Sceanrio:
Title: Successful login
I will navigate to the url of https://s1.demo.opensourcecms.com/wordpress/wp-login.php.
I will enter valid username and password.
Then i will click the login button.
Expected results: The home page is opened.
The Second Scenario:
Title: Invalid login
I will navigate to the url of https://s1.demo.opensourcecms.com/wordpress/wp-login.php.
I will enter invalid username and password.
Then i will click the login button.
Expected Results: An error message is shown "Invalid username."
If you want to create pages using Ebo framework, you can use Pages Automation Tool.
You will need to inspect the username textbox and get it's id then add it like this.
Then you will inspect the password textbox and get it'id and you add it like this.
Then you will inspect the login button and get it's name and will add like this.
Then you will inspect the error message for that will be used in the second sceanrio and add like this using it's css
This is how all the web elements are added in Pages Automation Tool
When you select "Download WebElements Page" button you will have to enter a name for your file i will name it "loginPage"
When you select ok button, a json file named loginPage is downloaded and a modal is shown so that you can download the java class
If you select yes button, you will have to enter the name of the pages package
Now you have downloaded 2 files "loginPage.json" and "LoginPage.java"
You need to create this path in your project "src/main/resources/objectRepository" and put the loginPage.json in it or you can edit the default location in loginPage.java.
This is a sample of the template for the loginPage.java that you will get from Pages Automation Tool and where you should put your json file.
package com.automation.pages;
import com.github.khaledroushdy.elements.*;
import com.github.khaledroushdy.clickableelements.*;
import com.github.khaledroushdy.elements.inputelements.*;
import com.github.khaledroushdy.selectelements.*;
import com.github.khaledroushdy.elements.readableelements.*;
import com.github.khaledroushdy.jsonParser.ElementParser;
import com.aventstack.extentreports.ExtentTest;
import com.github.khaledroushdy.browser.Driver;
public class LoginPage{
/*This path of the json file that you downloaded from Pages Automation tool, you can either create this path in your project or
change the path of the file from here.
private ElementParser elementParser = new ElementParser("src/main/resources/objectRepository/LoginPage.json");
private Driver driver;
private ExtentTest test;
public LoginPage(Driver driver, ExtentTest test) {
this.driver = driver;
this.test = test;
public LoginPage(Driver driver) {
this.driver = driver;
private Textbox usernameTextbox() {
Textbox usernameTextbox= (Textbox) ElementFactory.createElement(ElementTypes.TEXTBOX,elementParser, driver,"usernameTextbox");
return usernameTextbox;
private Textbox passwordTextbox() {
Textbox passwordTextbox = (Textbox) ElementFactory.createElement(ElementTypes.TEXTBOX, elementParser, driver,
return passwordTextbox;
private Button loginButton() {
Button loginButton = (Button) ElementFactory.createElement(ElementTypes.BUTTON, elementParser, driver,
return loginButton;
private Div errorMessage() {
Div errorMessage = (Div) ElementFactory.createElement(ElementTypes.DIV, elementParser, driver, "errorMessage");
return errorMessage;
You can edit your LoginPage class by adding any method that will use your web elements
public void login(String username,String password) {
public String getErrorMessage(){
return errorMessage().getText();
When you type usernameTextbox then all the methods of this Textbox will be shown
and when you type loginButton then all the methods of this Button will be shown.
and when you type errorMessage then all the methods of this Div will be shown
If you want to log all the actions done by the web elements you can use the methods that take ExtentTest as a parameter
public void login(String username,String password) {
// the output in the report will be "username has been entered into username
// textbox".
usernameTextbox().enterText(username, "username textbox", test);
// the output in the report will be be "login button has been clicked
loginButton().clickOnIt("login button", test);
There are several types of web elements that can be found in Pages Automation Tool like (Button, Textbox, Textarea, Span, Div..etc).
All the locator types are found also in the Pages Automation Tool like (Id, Name, Xpath, CssSelector...etc).
You can write your tests using TestNG or JUnit
In the below this a sample of how your tests should look like
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll;
import com.aventstack.extentreports.ExtentReports;
import com.aventstack.extentreports.ExtentTest;
import com.github.khaledroushdy.browser.Driver;
import com.github.khaledroushdy.browser.DriverTypes;
import com.github.khaledroushdy.report.ExtentManager;
public class SmokeTests {
private LoginPage loginPage;
private Driver driver; // wrapper driver that can log all the actions done by the web elements and will be used in the pages.
private ExtentReports extentReport;
private ExtentTest test;
public void oneTimeSetup() {
// If you want to have a fancy report you should write this line.
extentReport = ExtentManager.getExtent("your path for your file", "regression report.html");
public void setUp() {
// This is a the driver that the pages will use and type is Chrome
//You can change it to firefox or IE
driver = new Driver(DriverTypes.Chrome, "path of your chrome driver");
public void successfulLoginTest() throws InterruptedException {
test = extentReport.createTest("Successful login test", "The user should login with valid credentials");
loginPage = new loginPage(driver, test);
//Put your assertions here
public void invalidLoginTest() throws InterruptedException {
test = extentReport.createTest("invalid login test", "The user should not login with invalid credentials");
loginPage = new loginPage(driver,test);
loginPage.login("invalid name","invalid password");
String errorMessage = loginPage.getErrorMessage();
if(errorMessage.equals("Invalid username")){
test.log(Status.PASS, "invalid login test has passed");
test.log(Status.FAIL, "Successful login has failed");
public void tearDown() {
driver.closeSingleWindow(); // close the driver
public void oneTimeTearDown() {
extentReport.flush(); //close the report
If you want to read your data that are stored in excel file then your excel sheet should look like this
To get the data from the excel you can get it using ExcelTestParser API which has 3 methods
GetCellValue() which return a specific cell value.
GetSpecificTestCase() which returns a specific test case.
GetAllTestCases() which returns all the test cases.
/* i will use getCellValue in this example */
public void successfulLoginTest() throws InterruptedException {
test = extentReport.createTest("Successful login test", "The user should login with valid credentials");
ExcelTestParser testParser = new ExcelTestParser("your excel sheet path");
String username = testParser.getCellValue("sheet name","successfulLoginTest","username");
String password = testParser.getCellValue("sheet name","successfulLoginTest","password");
loginPage = new loginPage(driver, test);
/* i will use getSpecificTestCase in this example */
public void successfulLoginTest() throws InterruptedException {
test = extentReport.createTest("Successful login test", "The user should login with valid credentials");
ExcelTestParser testParser = new ExcelTestParser("your excel sheet path");
Map<Object,Object> testData= testParser.getSpecificTestCase("sheet name","successfulLoginTest");
loginPage = new loginPage(driver, test);
//Put your assertions here
/* i will use getAllTestCases in this example */
public HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>> getAllTestData(){
ExcelTestParser testParser = new ExcelTestParser("your excel sheet path");
HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>> allTestData= testParser.getAllTestData("sheet name");
return allTestData;
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.