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a simple distributed key-value database, built on top of Raft consensus algorithm

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This is a simple distributed key-value database, built on top of Raft consensus algorithm. At the moment, this raft cluster now supports:

  • Leader election
  • Log replication
  • Safety
  • Client interaction
  • Cluster membership changes
  • Log compaction (pending)

Orverall Architecture

1. Start the cluster

1.1 Quick

If you want to quickly test the Raft cluster, you can start the cluster on Docker Compose:

docker compose up -d --build

This will create a static cluster including three nodes, you can check the docker-compose file to see which port those nodes are operating on.

You can now move to step #2 (Specify the URL of the leader) and interact with the cluster by sending HTTP requests to the leader.

Or you can using the web UI running at localhost:3000 to interact with the cluster. Before using the web UI, you must wait a few minutes for the cluster to elect a leader.

1.2 Configuration

You need a config file config.yml whose content as bellow:

# this config file is for local development environment
  mode: static # the cluster can be either 'static' or 'dynamic'
  servers: # if the mode is 'dynamic', `servers` will be ignored
    - id: 1
      host: "localhost"
      http_port: 8080
      rpc_port: 1234
    - id: 2
      host: "localhost"
      http_port: 8081
      rpc_port: 1235
    - id: 3
      host: "localhost"
      http_port: 8082
      rpc_port: 1236
# timeout in milliseconds
min_election_timeout_ms: 12000
max_election_timeout_ms: 15000
min_heartbeat_timeout_ms: 2000
max_heartbeat_timeout_ms: 5000
data_folder: data/
state_machine_snapshot: false
  disabled: true
  trace_endpoint: 'localhost:4318'
  log_endpoint: 'localhost:3100'
  loki_push_url: 'http://localhost:3100/loki/api/v1/push'

Pick the mode of cluster, It can be either dynamic or static.

1.3 Dynamic cluster

With a dynamic cluster, you can freely add or remove nodes as you want (one at a time).
The general idea is, firstly you create a one-node-cluster, the only node will obviously become the leader. You can perform all commands with this cluster normally.
Then you add a new node to the cluster to form a two-nodes-cluster, the new node needs to catch up with the current leader before it officially becomes a member of the cluster. The catching-up can take a long time, and you can only add (or remove) one node to the cluster at a time.
After the second node is added successfully, now you can add the third node to the cluster. And keep going like that, you can add as much as you want.

⚠️ When you add or remove a node, the quorum is also changed.
For a cluster with $n$ nodes, the quorum $q$ can be calculated as: $$[ q = \left\lfloor \frac{n}{2} \right\rfloor + 1 ]$$

1.3.1 Adding servers to cluster

To create the first node, wait for few seconds and this node will become the leader of a one-node-cluster:

go run -race main.go -id=1 -catching-up=false -rpc-port=1234 -http-port=8080

To add second node: Run below command to start the server, the server now is in catching-up mode, is wait to receive log updates from current leader.

go run -race main.go -id=2 -catching-up=true -rpc-port=1235 -http-port=8081

Send request to add new server to leader, so the leader can start the catching-up process with new server.

curl --location 'localhost:8080/cli' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "command": "addServer 2 localhost:8081 localhost:1235"

The format of command to add a new server to the cluster is:

addServer [server id] [http url] [rpc url]

To add third Node: Start the server:

go run -race main.go -id=3 -catching-up=true -rpc-port=1236 -http-port=8082

Send request to leader:

curl --location 'localhost:8080/cli' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "command": "addServer 3 localhost:8082 localhost:1234"

In case the second or third node is crashed and need to restart, set catching-up=false because they have catched up with the current leader.

1.3.2 Removing servers to cluster

In case you want to remove a node from the cluster, send an HTTP request to the leader to specify which server you want to remove. The leader can be removed as any other server.

curl --location 'localhost:8080/cli' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "command": "removeServer 3 localhost:8082 localhost:1234"

After the server is removed from the cluster, you need to manually shut it down. If you want to get a previously removed server to join the cluster again, you need to choose a new ID for it, as you can't reuse the used server IDs.

1.4 Static cluster

1.4.1 Using multiple terminals (recommended)

In this mode, logs of each node in the cluster will be shown in its terminal.
To clear the previous state of the cluster: make clear
Open three terminals, and input the three below commands to three terminals respectively:
Terminal 1 - Node 1: make nodes1
Terminal 2 - Node 2: make nodes2
Terminal 3 - Node 3: make nodes2

1.4.2 Using one terminal (unavailable)

In this mode, logs of nodes in the cluster will be all shown in one terminal.
To clear the previous state of the cluster: make clear
Open a terminal, and type: make run

2. Specify the URL of the leader

After the cluster is started up, a few seconds later there will be an election, and finally a leader will be elected.
The default cluster will have three nodes, initially, all three nodes are followers, and after a successful election, one of the followers becomes the leader of the cluster.
At the moment, all of your requests including reading and writing need to go through the leader.
To find which node is the current leader, you can check its log, recent logs of the leader will have state=leader. At the moment node's HTTP URL is hardcoded in main.go.

3. Interact with the cluster

3.1 Register client

This API is to create a session for a current client. To read or write data to the cluster, a session is required. The purpose of the session is to make the requests are idempotent, by assigning a monotonically increasing number.

You need to replace the localhost:8080 with the leader URL you found in step #2.

curl --location 'localhost:8080/cli' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "client_id": 0,
    "sequence_num": 0,
    "command": "register"

If you send the request to the leader, and the request is successful, you will receive a response like the one below. response is the id of your session, you need to include this session id in later requests.

    "status": "OK",
    "response": 2,
    "leader_hint": ""

If you send a request to a follower, you most likely received a response which is similar to this:

    "status": "Not OK",
    "response": 0,
    "leader_hint": "localhost:8080"

3.2 Send command to cluster

This is a key value database, so you can send a command to the leader to set (or overwrite) the value for a specific key.

  • The format of the command: [set][a space][key-name][a space][value need to be set]
  • Session ID client_id: You got this ID in the response from step #3.1
  • Sequence Number sequence_num: The purpose of sequence num is to ensure the idempotent of the request, so you can retry it safely. After each command you need to increase the sequence num, You need to make sure the sequence num of the later request must be bigger than the former one.
    In case you want to retry the command, keep the sequence number the same.
curl --location 'localhost:8080/cli' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "client_id": 2,
    "sequence_num": 1,
    "command": "set name quoc khanh"

If the request goes through the leader and gets processed successfully, the response will be like this:

    "status": "OK",
    "response": "quoc khanh",
    "leader_hint": ""

If you send a request to a follower, you will receive:

    "status": "Not OK",
    "response": "NOT_LEADER",
    "leader_hint": "localhost:8080"

3.3 Query data

After set the value for the keys in the previous step, you can now query it:
Query format: [get][a space][key-name]

curl --location 'localhost:8080/cli' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "client_id": 0,
    "sequence_num": 0,
    "command": "get name"

Since we don't need client_id and sequence_num in this request, so we can set it both as 0.

If success:

    "status": "OK",
    "response": "quoc khanh",
    "leader_hint": ""


    "status": "Not OK",
    "response": "NOT_LEADER",
    "leader_hint": "localhost:8080"


a simple distributed key-value database, built on top of Raft consensus algorithm







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