Riot Api Challenge 2016
A web application to allow League of Legends players to plan and communicate with their friends before getting into a game. Players can create a team page for their team, and then register a user on their team's page. This gives them access to the functionality of the site. For more information check out our wiki.
- Install NodeJS on your machine
- Download code
- Install npm
- Go into code directory, run npm install
- Install bower (npm install -g bower)
- Run bower install
- Run npm install -g gulp
- Change the DB url and secret in the file to your own personal database url.
- Create a .env file based on the SAMPLE_ENV file
- Run gulp run
- Go to (or your local url localhost:(port))
- Click on "Create a Team Page Now"
- Type in a team name and a tag, click "Create"
- A message should appear saying Success. Click on the link to be taken to your team's page
- Once you have created a Team Page, open it
- Register as a user on the site by clicking "Register" in the top navbar
- Complete the modal and press "Register"
- This may take some time - be patient
- Once you are registered, the modal will close. Click on "Comps" in the top navbar
- Click on "Create a comp"
- Enter a name for your comp and click Create. The site should redirect you once the comp has been created
You can add filters using the plus button next to the select box in every column. There are a few different types of filters:
- Ban - removes a champion from the list
- Role - removes champions who are not tagged with that given role (ie Tank, Fighter, Mage, Assassin, Support, Marksman)
- Summoner - sorts the list by champion mastery - make sure you have registered that summoner name with the site!
You can also type a champion's name into the "Champion Name" input box to find a specific champion.
Editing filters will live update to any connected users looking at the same comp page
You can indicate a champion you intend to play by clicking on their image. This will outline the image in blue, and also update the name at the top of the lane column.