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This is my configuration for vim , It will grow as I grow

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Hello , this is my personal vim setup , It will be updated frequently based on my needs. I will make sure to document every Plugin I add with example of usage case.

Installation 📥

neovim , vim , gvim

For sure we need vim or neovim installed
in order to enable clipboard copy-pasting we need vim-gtk or vim-gtk3


apt-get install vim vim-gtk3 neovim 

Arch Linux

pacman -S vim vim-gtk3 neovim 

Also if you don't have python install it then install python support inside vim because some plugins need it

pip install neovim vim

💡 : make sure that pip refer to python3 else try pip3 instead

💡 : if your not a root user you need to use sudo

💡 : to migrate vim to neovim check neovim help page

💡 : make sure you use last neovim for better experience

Install OmarKh-vim

The Installation is aimed only for Linux users.
The Installer will backup your old .vimrc file into .vimrc.back

git clone "" OmarKh-vim
cd OmarKh-vim

💡 : to auto remove Installation files clone it into /tmp folder , or you can run cd .. && rm -rf OmarKh-vim

to have icons enabled you need a font such as NerdFont or FiraCode check this link

Install Plugin Manager

Next we need to install the plug-vim for Vim 8.xx :

curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \

for neovim :

sh -c 'curl -fLo "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}"/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \'

-- Source

Install Plugins

After the installation of the Plugin Manager we need to install Plugins

vim +PlugInstall

or Method 2 : you can launch vim then press ESC on your keyboard then type :PlugInstall and press enter
💡 : It's normal if you used Method 2 to get errors first time we open vim because plugins are not Installed yet.

💡 : If a Plugin failed during installation press SHIFT+R to retry

inside vim press ESC then type :CocConfig and paste this inside the file opened to get autocomplete for go

  "languageserver": {
    "golang": {
      "command": "gopls",
      "rootPatterns": ["go.mod", ".vim/", ".git/", ".hg/"],
      "filetypes": ["go"]

GoTests-vim Plugin need GoTests binary , Install it using

go get


this vim configuation came with a default theme
But I have couple of other themes installed (check them in vimrc file in themes section)
remove the following lines from .vimrc and replace them with what provided in docs of each theme

" Theme section
        syntax          enable
        colorscheme     ......

💡 it's better to keep the comments


usefull commands

TIP usage
:tabn move to next tab
:tabp move to previous tab

Keys ⌨️

common used vim keys :

key job mode
k move cursor up normal
j move cursor down normal
h move cursor left normal
l move cursor right normal
w move cursor by word forward normal
b move cursor by word backward normal
u undo changes normal
> or < (un)tab a block of code visual block
Ctrl-r redo changes normal
x delete letter on cursor normal
^ or 0 move cursor to beggining of line normal
$ move cursor to end of line normal
gg move cursor to first line normal
G move cursor to last line normal
H move cursor to top of the screen normal
M move cursor to middle of screen normal
L move cursor to end of the screen normal
zt put current line on top of screen normal
zz put current line on center of screen normal
zb put current line on center of screen normal
,d duplicate current line normal
Ctrl-y move screen up without moving cursor normal
Ctrl-e move screen down without moving cursor normal
ALT-K move line up normal
ALT-J move line down normal
Ctrl-d delete current line normal and insert
cw change word normal
cikey change inside key example ci" ci{ normal
Ctrl-x Ctrl-o trigger auto completion insert
% go to opposite pair of ( in (sd) normal
,nt toggle nerdtree normal
CTRL-(h/j/k/l) move between splits normal
CTRL-p open ctrlp plugin for fuzzy finding normal
CTRL-p v open in vsplit of the file the cursor on normal
mkey ie: mg will save current cursor place to g normal
`key ie: `g will reutnr to saved cursor place in g normal
t open file that cursor is on in new tab nerdtree
,r will rename all the variables into the new name (good for refactoring) normal

HTML Keys ⌨️

key job mode
cit change what is between the tags normal
yit copy what is between the tags normal
dit delete what is between the tags normal
vit visual select what is between the tags normal

more coming very very soon...


to read more about coc please go here
basically the configuration came with coc release branch , you can use the master branch insted and build
some coc plugins need newer coc versions so to update coc press ESC then type :PlugUpdate
this will update all your plugins including coc
then to install coc autocompletion you need to install it's plugin , I mainly install js,ts,css support
so to do so press ESC then type :CocInstall coc-tsserver coc-html coc-html this will Install support for all what we mention above.


first we need go installed , go to website and follow instructions
after successfully setup go , open vim and press ESC and type :GoInsallBinaries
watch this video for more informations to get most out of vim-go :)
more about go plugin with maps soon... Go Keys ⌨️

key job mode
gd go to definition that cursor on normal
gy go to type definition that cursor on normal
gi go to implementation that cursor on normal
gy go to type definition that cursor on normal
ctrl+o go back from any go to to code normal
,t Run all the tests in the current file normal
,tt Run the test in the current function normal
,c toggle coverage profile in current file normal
,ci show what function head of function that cursor on normal
,cii show type interface , methods and fields of type that cursor on normal
,cc show where function that cursor on is called normal
,cr show all the reference type/function that cursor on in codebase normal
,gt generate test boilorplate for function that cursor on in codebase normal
,gat generate test boilorplate for all functions in current buffer normal

💡 Some of them are not go specific but COC specific , so they may run on other languages also

Credits 💳

This project is heavly depended on awesome vimrc by amix


  • docs
  • better readme


This is my configuration for vim , It will grow as I grow



