I'm passionate about technology, innovation, economy and business development.
I have experience in human resources, marketing, administrative, commercial, business development and agile methodologies.
I learned Full Stack Web Dev @ Trybe (more info bellow).
Currently, I'm studying software architecture and solutions @ XP Educação
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Trybe 🚀
Trybe is a school for people who want to wants to build a succesful career in technology. The program counts with more than 1.500 hours of contents of software development, front-end, back-end, computer science, software engineering, agile methodologies and soft skills.
The curriculum contains:
...and more.
- 1.3: Unix & Bash - Part 1
- 1.4: Unix & Bash - Part 2
- 2.1: What it is and what it's meant for
- 2.2: Understandign the commands
- 2.3: Internet - How it works?
- 3.1: HTML & CSS - Page structures
- 3.2: HTML & CSS - First steps in CSS
- 3.3: HTML & CSS - Selectors and positioning
- 3.4: Semantic HTML
- 3.5: Project - Lessons Learned ✔️
- 4.1: JavaScript - First steps
- 4.2: JavaScript - Array and for loops
- 4.3: JavaScript - Programming logic and algorithms
- 4.4: JavaScript - Objects and functions
- 4.5: Project - Playground Functions ✔️
- 5.1: JavaScript - DOM and selectors
- 5.2: JavaScript - Working with elements
- 5.3: JavaScript - Events
- 5.4: JavaScript - Web Storage
- 5.5: Project - Art with Pixels ✔️
- 5.6: Project - Task List ✔️
- 5.7: (Bonus) Project - Meme Generator ✔️
- 5.7: (Bonus) Project - Gess the Color ✔️
- 5.7: (Bonus) Project - Mysterious Letter ✔️
- 6.1: HTML & CSS - Forms
- 6.2: JavaScript Libraries and CSS Frameworks
- 6.3: CSS Flexbox - Part 1
- 6.4: CSS Flexbox - Part 2
- 6.5: CSS Responsive - Mobile First
- 6.6: Project - Trybewarts ✔️
- 7.1: JavaScript ES6 - let, const, arrow functions and template literals
- 7.2: JavaScript ES6 - Objects
- 7.3: Unit tests in JavaScript
- 7.4: Project - JavaScript Unit Tests ✔️
- 8.1: JavaScript ES6 - Higher Order Functions - First Class Functions, High Order Functions (HOF), Structuring a "HOF"
- 8.2: JavaScript ES6 - Higher Order Functions - forEach, find, some, every, sort
- 8.3: JavaScript ES6 - Higher Order Functions - map and filter
- 8.4: JavaScript ES6 - Higher Order Functions - reduce
- 8.5: JavaScript ES6 - Spread operator, rest parameter, destructuring and more
- 8.6: Project - Zoo functions ✔️
- 9.1: Asynchronous JavaScript and Callbacks
- 9.2: JavaScript Promises
- 9.3: Project - Shopping Cart ✔️
- 10.1: First steps on Jest
- 10.2: Jest - Asynchronous tests
- 10.3: Jest - Simulating behaviors
- 10.4: Project - Asynchronous Jest and Mocking ✔️
- 11.1: 'Hello, world!' on React!
- 11.2: React Components
- 11.3: Project - Movie Cards Library ✔️
- 12.1: Components with states and events
- 12.2: Forms on React
- 12.3: Project - Movie Cards Library Stateful ✔️
- 13.1: Components Life Cycle on React
- 13.2: React Router
- 13.3: Project - TrybeTunes ✔️
- 14.1: Agile Methodologies
- 14.2: Project - Frontend Online Store ✔️
- 15.1: RTL - First steps
- 15.2: RTL - Mocks and Inputs
- 15.3: RTL - Testing React Router
- 15.4: Project - Tests on React ✔️
- 16.1: Introduction to Redux - Global Application State
- 16.2: React with Redux
- 16.3: React with Redux - Pratice
- 16.4: React with Redux - Asynchronous Actions
- 16.5: Synchronous tests with React-Redux
- 16.6: Project - Trybe Wallet ✔️
- 17.1: Project - Trivia Game ✔️
- 18.1: React's Context API
- 18.2: React Hooks - useState and useContext
- 18.3: React Hooks - useEffect and customized Hooks
- 18.4: Project - StarWars Datatable with Context API and Hooks ✔️
- 19.1: Project - Recipes App ✔️
- 20.1: Introduction do Back-end
- 20.1: Using containers - Docker
- 20.2: Manipulation and Imaging in Docker
- 20.3: Orchestrating Containers with Docker Compose
- 20.4: Project - Docker Todo-List ✔️
- 21.1: Introduction to relational databases
- 21.1: SQL Database
- 21.2: Finding data in a database
- 21.3: Filtering data specifically
- 21.4: Handling tables
- 21.5: Project - All For One ✔️
- 22.1: Most used SQL Functions
- 22.2: Simplifying JOINs
- 22.3: Transforming ideas into a Database Model
- 22.4: Project - One For All ✔️
- 23.1: Introdution to NodeJS
- 23.1: NodeJS - A JavaScript engine
- 23.2: NodeJS - Asynchronous Flux
- 23.3: Mocha, Chai and Sinon - Backend Testing with Node.js
- 23.4: Express: HTTP with Node.js
- 23.5: Express: Middlewares
- 23.6: Project - Talker Manager ✔️
- 24.1: Introduction to Software Architecture
- 24.1: Software Architecture - Model layer
- 24.2: Software Architecture - Controller and Service layer
- 24.3: Web Architecture - Rest and Restful
- 24.4: Software Architecture - Testing layers
- 24.5: Project - Store Manager ✔️
- 25.1: Introduction - Node.js: ORM and Authentication
- 25.1: ORM - Application interface with the database
- 25.2: ORM - Associations
- 25.3: JWT - (JSON Web Token)
- 25.4: Testing APIs with Integration Tests
- 25.5: Project - Blogs API ✔️
- 26.1: Introduction to Deploy
- 26.1: Infrastructure - Deploy with Heroku
- 26.2: Deploy Docker & Heroku
- 26.3: Project - Stranger Things ✔️
- 27.1: Introduction to TypeScript
- 27.2: Static Typing and Generics
- 27.3: Express with TypeScript
- 27.4: Project - Trybe Smith ✔️
- 28.1: Introduction to Object Orientation
- 28.2: Inheritance and Interfaces
- 28.3: Polymorphism
- 28.4: SOLID - Introduction and S, O & D principles
- 28.5: SOLID - I & L principles
- 28.6: Project - Trybers and Dragons ✔️
- 29.1: Project - TSC - Trybe Soccer Club ✔️
- 30.1: Introduction to NoSQL
- 30.1: Introduction to MongoDB
- 30.2: Filter Operators
- 30.3: Consulting Operators
- 30.4: Simple Updates
- 30.5: Complex Updates - Arrays
- 30.6: Project - Commerce ✔️
- 31.1: MongoDB and MSC architecture
- 31.2: MongoDB and OOP
- 31.3: Project - Car Shop ✔️
- 32.1: Project - Delivery App ✔️
- 33.1: VPS
- 33.2: CI/CD
- 34.1: Introduction to Computer Science
- 34.1: Learning Python
- 34.2: Data Input and Output
- 34.3: Tests
- 34.4: Project - Job Insights ✔️
- 35.1: Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
- 35.2: Inheritance, Composition and Interfaces
- 35.3: Project patterns
- 35.4: Project - Stock Report ✔️
- 36.1: Network architecture, tools and security
- 36.2: Data Scraping
- 35.3: Project - Tech news ✔️
- 37.1: Algorithms complexity
- 37.2: Recursion and problem-solving strategies
- 37.3: Sorting and searching algorithms
- 36.4: Project - Algorithms ✔️
- 38.1: Computers architecture
- 38.2: Arrays
- 38.3: Nodes & Linked Lists
- 38.4: Stacks and Rows
- 38.5: Project - TING - Trybe Is Not Google ✔️
- 39.1: Hashmap & Dict
- 39.2: Set
- 39.3: Project - Restaurant Orders ✔️