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ratelimiter is an app to do dirstibuted rate limiting in front of backend services. It consists of:

  • A command line interface (ratelimiter) built on these packages.
  • Docker image to run ratelimiter in a containerized workload.
  • Go package, which can directly be used in other projects.

Table of Contents


The latest version can be installed using go get:

GO111MODULE="on" go get

NOTE: please use the latest go to do this, ideally go 1.16 or greater.

This will put ratelimiter in $(go env GOPATH)/bin. If you encounter the error ratelimiter: command not found after installation then you may need to either add that directory to your $PATH as shown here or do a manual installation by cloning the repo and run make build from the repository which will put ratelimiter in:

$(go env GOPATH)/src/$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')-amd64/ratelimiter

Stable binaries are also available on the releases page. To install, download the binary for your platform from "Assets" and place this into your $PATH:

curl -Lo ./ratelimiter$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')-amd64
chmod +x ./ratelimiter
mv ./ratelimiter /some-dir-in-your-PATH/ratelimiter

NOTE: Windows releases are in EXE format.


There are multiple ways of running ratelimiter service.

CLI binary

You can run ratelimiter binary with provided flags as standalone binary:

ratelimiter \
    --rate-limit <number> \
    --rate-interval <number> \
    --rate-timeunit <time-unit> \
    --use-redis <use-redis-or-in-memory-cache> \
    --redis-url <ip-of-redis> \
    --redis-port <port-of-redis> \
    --redis-password <password-for-redis> \
    --backend-server <fdqn-or-ip-of-backend-service>

Note that you can provide multiple --backend-server <string> or one comma-separated list of servers. e.g:

ratelimiter --backend-server --backend-server
ratelimiter --backend-server,

You can also use environment variables defined on the host instead of using the flags.

Name Flag
RATE_LIMIT --rate-limit
RATE_INTERVAL --rate-interval
RATE_TIMEUNIT --rate-timeunit
USE_REDIS --use-redis
REDIS_URL --redis-url
REDIS_PORT --redis-port
REDIS_PASSWORD --redis-password
BACKEND_SERVER --backend-server

Note: You have to only use comma-separated value in BACKEND_SERVER environment variable.

Docker Container

Docker images are created on each release with the following tag format:

khos2ow/ratelimiter:0.3.1 # <git-tag-without-leading-v>

also HEAD of master which might be unstable:


and you can simply use the image:

docker run -d \
    --name ratelimiter \
    --restart always \
    -p 8080:8080 \
    khos2ow/ratelimiter:0.3.4 \
    --rate-limit=<number> \
    --rate-interval=<number> \
    --rate-timeunit=<time-unit> \
    --use-redis=<boolean> \
    --redis-url=<ip-of-redis> \
    --redis-port=<port-of-redis> \
    --redis-password=<password-for-redis> \



  1. Install kubectl

  2. Deploy Redis cluster

  3. Update Redis URL and port and optionally backend_server in deploy/config.yaml:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: rate-limiter-config
        app: rate-limiter
      RATE_LIMIT: "100"      # Maximum number of hits to allow in every unit of time
      RATE_INTERVAL: "1"     # Interval for limiting hits every unit of time in
      RATE_TIMEUNIT: "m"     # Unit of time for limiting hits in each interval [s, m, h]
      USE_REDIS: "false"     # Use Redis instead of in-memory cache [true, false]
      REDIS_URL: "redis"     # Redis URL
      REDIS_PORT: "6379"     # Redis port
      BACKEND_SERVER: ""     # Comma separated list of backend servers to proxy to e.g. ','
  4. Update Redis password in deploy/secret.yaml:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: rate-limiter-secret
    type: Opaque
      REDIS_PASSWORD: ""  # base64 hash of Redis password
  5. Enable or update deploy/ingress.yaml:

    kind: Ingress
      name: rate-limiter
        app: rate-limiter
      annotations: nginx-internal
      - host:
        - path: /
            serviceName: rate-limiter-service
            servicePort: http

then you can deploy using kubectl:

kubectl apply -f deploy

Go Package

ratelimiter exposes most of its functionality through Go package which can be imported in other projects. To do that you can use package manager of your choice:

go get

and then

import ""


package main

import (


func main() {
    resource := "foo"
    store := data.NewInMemory(&data.Options{})
    rule := ratelimiter.NewRule(10, 1, time.Second)
    limiter := ratelimiter.NewLimiter(rule, store)

    start := time.Now()
    fmt.Printf("limiting resource '%s' to %s\n\n", resource, rule.String())

    for i := 0; i < 25; i++ {
        allowed, err := limiter.IsAllowed(resource)
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Printf("hit #%-10derror: %-10velapsed: %f seconds\n", i+1, err.Error(), time.Now().Sub(start).Seconds())
        } else {
            fmt.Printf("hit #%-10dallowed: %-10velapsed: %f seconds\n", i+1, allowed, time.Now().Sub(start).Seconds())
        time.Sleep(80 * time.Millisecond)

    fmt.Printf("\ntook %f seconds\n", time.Now().Sub(start).Seconds())

// limiting resource 'foo' to 10 hits per second
// hit #1         allowed: true      elapsed: 0.000012 seconds
// hit #2         allowed: true      elapsed: 0.080239 seconds
// hit #3         allowed: true      elapsed: 0.160510 seconds
// hit #4         allowed: true      elapsed: 0.3.1883 seconds
// hit #5         allowed: true      elapsed: 0.321136 seconds
// hit #6         allowed: true      elapsed: 0.401298 seconds
// hit #7         allowed: true      elapsed: 0.481417 seconds
// hit #8         allowed: true      elapsed: 0.561576 seconds
// hit #9         allowed: true      elapsed: 0.641844 seconds
// hit #10        allowed: true      elapsed: 0.722082 seconds
// hit #11        allowed: false     elapsed: 0.802300 seconds
// hit #12        allowed: false     elapsed: 0.882519 seconds
// hit #13        allowed: false     elapsed: 0.962731 seconds
// hit #14        allowed: true      elapsed: 1.042958 seconds
// hit #15        allowed: true      elapsed: 1.123172 seconds
// hit #16        allowed: true      elapsed: 1.203390 seconds
// hit #17        allowed: true      elapsed: 1.283565 seconds
// hit #18        allowed: true      elapsed: 1.363771 seconds
// hit #19        allowed: true      elapsed: 1.443981 seconds
// hit #20        allowed: true      elapsed: 1.524204 seconds
// hit #21        allowed: true      elapsed: 1.604430 seconds
// hit #22        allowed: true      elapsed: 1.684739 seconds
// hit #23        allowed: true      elapsed: 1.764983 seconds
// hit #24        allowed: true      elapsed: 1.845355 seconds
// hit #25        allowed: false     elapsed: 1.925563 seconds
// took 2.009465 seconds


Build Prerequisites


Nice to haves:

  • gox (to build binary for multiple OS/ARCH at once)
  • Tilt (to deploy on a local dev K8s cluster)
  • kind (to spin up a local dev K8s cluster)


To checkout ratelimiter for the first time, run:

go get -u

The Go toolchain will checkout the ratelimiter repo somewhere on your GOPATH, usually under ~/go/src/

To run the test suite, run:

make test

To check the code format and lint, run:

make checkfmt lint

To build ratelimier, there are two options:

  1. standalone binary, run:

    make build

    This will build the binary in ./bin/GOOS-GOARCH/ratelimiter

  2. docker image as khos2ow/ratelimiter:<VERSION>-<COMMIT>, run:

    make docker

    where COMMIT is the output of git describe --tags without leading v. Alternatively you can override docker tag name with DOCKER_TAG:

    DOCKER_TAG=foo make docker

    which builds khos2ow/ratelimiter:foo

We're using Tilt to have fast feedback loop on developers workstations. In order to do that first you need to create a local Kubernetes cluster (kind is recommended):

kind create cluster --name ratelimiter

And point KUBECONFIG to the newly created kind cluster, and start tilt and visit http://localhost:8080/:

tilt up

This builds the images and deploys all the manifests in deploy/ into cluster and keeps watching them and auto-reloads all the changes automatically into the running pods.

Alternatively you can use docker-compose too, without the ability to autoreload changes automatically. If there's a change in the code you need to docker-compose stop and docker-compose up --build to build and deploy those new changes.


Copyright 2020 Khosrow Moossavi

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0