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Auralflow: A BSS Modeling Toolkit For PyTorch 🔊

Auralflow is blind source separation (BSS) modeling toolkit designed for training deep convolutional autoencoder networks that isolate stems (e.g. vocals) from music tracks and recorded audio. The package offers the following:

  • pretrained source separator models
  • efficient data chunking of long audio clips via dataset classes
  • audio-tailored loss functions (e.g. component loss, Si-SDR loss, etc.)
  • models wrappers with built-in pre/post audio processing methods (i.e. Short-Time Fourier Transform)
  • a high-level model trainer for easy training (similar to Lightning)
  • several useful data processing & visualization tools
  • GPU-accelerated MIR evaluation (e.g. Si-SDR, Si-SNR, etc.)
  • source separation of large audio folders

A Google Colab demo is available here, as well as a link to the official API documentation.

Table of Contents

Pretrained Models

Auralflow models use deep mask estimation networks to perform source separation in the time-frequency domain (i.e. on magnitude spectrograms). The underlying network is a deep convolutional autoencoder with a U-Net architecture that uses skip connections. Moreover, the final model uses latent space regularization (i.e. a variational autoencoder) as well as self-normalization (see Self-Normalizing Neural Networks) to boost audio generation and stabilize gradient flow (as vanishing/exploding gradients are a weakness of the deep mask estimation technique).

The models were trained on the musdb18 dataset. The table below compares each model relative to its scale-invariant signal-to-distortion ratio (SI-SDR), which is averaged across audio tracks from a hidden test set.

Base Model # Parameters (MM) Pretrained Trainable Performance (si-sdr in db)
SpectrogramNetSimple 7.9 yes yes + 2.9
SpectrogramNetLSTM 32.3 yes yes +4.3
SpectrogramNetVAE* (VAE+LSTM) 40 yes yes +5.4

Note that the models will be updated periodically, as development of this package is actively ongoing.


Install auralflow via the PyPi package manager:

pip install auralflow

Downloading Model Weights

To download the weights of a pretrained model locally, run the following:

python3 auralflow download <model_type> --save <path/to/save/weights>

Alternatively, weights can be loaded directly into a model like so:

import auralflow
model = auralflow.models.load(model="SpectrogramNetVAE", target="vocals")

Training Models

Config a model with config

To train a model from scratch, first configure a model with the config command, which saves the model specifications under the training session folder, asmy_model/model.json by default:

auralflow config <model_type> --save my_model --display \
--vocals \
--num-channels 1 \
--num-hidden-channels 16 \
--sample-length 3 \
--sample-rate 44100 \
--dropout-p  0.4 \
--leak-factor 0 \
--normalize-input \
--normalize-output \
--recurrent-depth 3 \
--hidden-size 1024 \
--input-axis 1 \
--mask-act-fn sigmoid \
--num-fft 2048 \
--window-size 2048 \
--hop-length 1024 


  • model_type (str): 'SpectrogramNetSimple' | 'SpectrogramNetLSTM' | 'SpectrogramNetVAE'.
  • --save (str): Name/path to the training session folder.
  • --display: Displays the model config after the file is created.
  • --<target> (str): Target source to isolate: 'bass' | 'drums' | 'vocals' | 'other' .
  • --num_channels (int): Number of audio channels. Default: 1.
  • --num_hidden_channels (int): Initial number of channels or filters. Default: 16.
  • --sample_length (int): Length of audio chunks. Default: 3.
  • --sample_rate (int): Sample rate. Default: 44100.
  • --dropout_p (float): Dropout layer probability. Default: 0.4.
  • --leak_factor (float): Leak factor if using leaky_relu mask activation. Default: 0.
  • --normalize_input (bool): Trains learnable input normalization parameters. Default: False.
  • --normalize_output (bool): Trains learnable output normalization parameters. Default: False.
  • --mask_act_fn (str): Mask activation function: Default: 'sigmoid'.
  • --num_fft (int): Number of FFT bins. Default: 1024.
  • --window_size (int): Window size. Default: 1024.
  • --hop_length (int): Hop length. Default: 512.

Additional parameters for LSTM-based models.

  • --recurrent_depth (int): Number of LSTM layer. Default: 3.
  • --hidden_size (int): Hidden size. Default: 1024.
  • --input_axis (int): Axis to squeeze features along. Default: 1.

Run training with train

See instructions on downloading the MUSDB18 dataset here. Assuming you have access to an audio dataset with the same file structure, we can build and train the model specified in the training session folder by running the train command:

auralflow train <folder_name> <dataset_path> --resume --display \
--max-tracks 80 \
--max-samples 10000 \
--batch-size 32 \
--num-workers 8 \
--persistent-workers \
--pin-memory \
--pre-fetch 4 \
--max-epochs 100 \
--lr 0.01 \
--criterion si-sdr \
--use-amp \
--clip-grad \
--max-grad-norm 1000 \
--scale-grad \
--stop-patience 5 \
--tensorboard \
--view-iter \
--view-epoch \
--view-weights \
--view-grad \
--view-norm \
--play-estimate \
--play-residual \
--view-spec \

Note that CUDA will be automatically enabled if it is available.


  • folder_name (str): Path to training session folder.
  • dataset_path (str): Path to an audio dataset.
  • --resume: Resumes model training from checkpoint, if one exists.
  • --display: Displays the training parameters after the file is created.
  • --max-tracks (int): Max number of tracks to load into memory. Default: 80.
  • --max-samples (int): Max number of resampled chunks from the pool of tracks. Default: 10000.
  • --batch-size (int): Batch size. Default: 32.
  • --num-workers (int): Number of worker processes. Default: 8.
  • --persistent-workers (bool): Keeps workers from being terminated. Default: False.
  • --pin-memory (bool): Pins memory to GPU for faster loading. Default: False.
  • --pre-fetch (int): Number of batches pre-loaded. Default: 4.
  • --max-epochs (int): Max number of epochs to train for. Default: 100.
  • --lr 0.01 (float): Learning rate. Default: 0.01.
  • --criterion (str): Loss fn: 'component' | 'kl_div' | 'l1' | 'l2' | 'mask' | 'si_sdr' | 'rmse'. Default: 'si_sdr'.
  • --use-amp (bool): Enables automatic mixed precision if CUDA is enabled. Default: False.
  • --clip-grad (bool): Clip gradients. Default: False.
  • --max-grad-norm (float): Maximum value of gradient if clipping is used. Default: 1000.
  • --scale-grad (bool): Enables gradient scaling if CUDA is enabled. Default: False.
  • --stop-patience (int): Number of epochs to wait before stopping, if the validation loss plateaus. Default: 5.
  • --tensorboard: Enables tensorboard.
  • --view-iter: Logs iteration training loss, if tensorboard is enabled.
  • --view-epoch: Logs epoch training loss, if tensorboard is enabled.
  • --view-weights: Logs model weights by layer, if tensorboard is enabled.
  • --view-grad: Logs gradients with respect to each layer, if tensorboard is enabled.
  • --view-norm: Logs the 2-norm of each weight/gradient, if tensorboard is enabled.
  • --play-estimate: Sends target source estimates to tensorboard for playback, if tensorboard is enabled.
  • --play-residual: Sends residual estimates to tensorboard for playback, if tensorboard is enabled.
  • --view-spec: Sends magnitude spectrograms images to tensorboard, if tensorboard is enabled.
  • --view-wav: Sends waveform images to tensorboard, if tensorboard is enabled.

Additional training parameters.

  • --construction_loss (str): Construction loss for KL Divergence: 'l2' | 'l1'. Defaults to 'l2'.
  • --lr-lstm (float): Separate learning rate for the LSTM layers. Default: 0.00001.
  • --init-scale (float): Initial gradient scaler value. Default: 2.0 ** 16.
  • --max-plateaus (int): Maximum number of times the stop patience can expire before training is halted. Default: 5.
  • --min_delta (float): Minimum improvement in the validation loss required to reset the stop patience counter. Default: 0.01.
  • --reduction (str): Whether to average or sum the loss: 'mean'| 'sum'. Default: 'mean'.
  • --best-perm: Chooses the permutation of the signals that results in the smallest loss, if using SI-SDR loss.
  • --alpha (float): Weight of the first component, if using component loss. Default: 0.2.
  • --beta (float): Weight of the second component, if using component loss. Default: 0.8.
  • --image_freq (int): Frequency (in epochs) at which to save images. Default: 5.
  • --silent: Suppresses checkpoint logging.

After training, the training session folder will have been populated with various files:

  ├── model.json
  ├── trainer.json
  ├── checkpoint.pth
  ├── runs/...
  ├── spectrogram/...
  └── waveform/...


  • model.json: model configuration file.
  • trainer.json: trainer configuration file.
  • checkpoint.pth: model and training state.
  • runs: optional folder that stores training logs if tensorboard is enabled.
  • spectrogram: optional folder that contains spectrogram images saved during training.
  • waveform: optional folder that contains waveform images saved during training.

Model evaluation with test

To evaluate a model, we simply run the test command, assuming the audio dataset has a /test split, which will save the MIR metrics to eval.csv:

auralflow test <folder_name> <dataset_path> --save <path/to/save/metrics>

If --save is not specified, the results will be saved to path/to/folder_name/eval.csv by default.

Separating Audio Files

Separation can be done on single audio files as well as folders of audio files with the separate command:

auralflow separate <folder_name> <audio_filepath> --save path/to/save \
--residual \
--duration 90 \


  • audio_filepath (str): Path to an audio file or folder of audio files.
  • --residual: Save the residual track resulting from subtracting the target source.
  • --duration (int): Duration in seconds (starting from 0s) to trim audio clips before separation. Default: 30.
  • --sr (int): Sample rate. Default: 44100.
  • --padding (int): Negative offset length (overlap) between separation windows. Default: 200.

The results for each track will placed within its own folder corresponding to the audio file's name. For example, separating vocals on the track titled: AI James - Schoolboy Fascination.wav will produce:

AI James - Schoolboy Fascination
  ├── vocals.wav
  └── residual.wav

Supplementary Math & Background Info

Short Time Fourier Transform

  • Let $\large A \in \mathbb{R}^{c, t}$ be an audio signal with $\large c$ channels and $\large t$ samples, normalized such that the value of each sample (also known as the amplitude) $\large a_i \in [-1, 1]$.

  • Let $\large f: A ↦ S$ be an linear transformation that maps $\large A$ to a complex time-frequency representation (also known as a spectrogram) $\large S \in \mathbb{C}^{c, f, τ}$, with $\large f$ filterbanks and $\large τ$ number of frames.

  • Similarly, let $\large f^{-1}: S ↦ A$ be the inverse transformation that maps a complex spectrogram $\large S \in \mathbb{C}^{c, f, τ}$ to its audio signal $\large A \in \mathbb{R}^{c, t}$.

  • Since the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) works best under the assumption that a signal is locally stationary, we use $\large f$, or the Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT), which uses a window function to apply the DFT to small, overlapping segments of $\large A$. As a disclaimer, $\large f$ has been trivially extended to have a channel dimension, despite it not being the canonical convention.

  • Since $\large f$ is only an approximation,

    $$ \large f^{-1}(f(A)) \neq A $$

  • However, by carefully selecting some parameters for $\large f$, we can minimize the unknown additive noise factor $\large E_{noise}$, such that:

    $$ \large f^{-1}(f(A)) = A + E_{noise} \approx A $$

    if $\large ||E_{noise}||$ is relatively small and imperceptible.

Magnitude and Phase

  • Each complex-valued spectrogram $\large S$ has separable magnitude and phase content. That is, $\large |S|$ represents the magnitude, and $\large ∠_{\phi} S$ represents the phase, which is calculated as the element-wise angle of each complex entry of $\large S$.

Training a Deep Mask Estimator

  • Given a training set of $\large n$ mixture-target audio pairs, $\large D = \set{(A_{i}, T_{i}): i = 1,\dots, n}$, where $\large T_{i}^k$ corresponds to target source $\large k$ in $\large T_{i} = (t_{i}^1,...,t_{i}^m)$, we pre-process each pair by:

    1. Applying $\large f$ to get the complex spectrograms of the mixture and targets, resulting in $\large f(A_{i})$ and $\large f(T_{i})$, respectively.
    2. Taking the magnitude of each complex spectrogram, resulting in $\large |X_{i}| = |f(A_{i})|$ and $\large |Y_{i}| = |f(T_{i})|$, respectively.
  • Let $\large g_{\theta}^k$ be the trainable deep mask estimation network for target source $\large k$. For each training pair, we feed the network $\large |X_i|$ to estimate a multiplicative soft-mask $\large M_{\theta}^k = g_{\theta}^k(|X_i|)$, where $\large m_{i} \in [0, 1]$. Next, $\large M_{\theta}^k$ is applied to $\large |X_i|$ via a Hadamard product to isolate an estimate of the target source from the mixture:

    $$ \large |\hat Y_i^k| = \large M_{\theta}^k \odot |X_i| $$

  • Let $\large L$ be the loss criterion (typically MSE or $\large L_1$ loss). The objective in training the network is to find an optimal choice of parameters, namely $\large \theta^{*}$, that minimize the loss over $\large D$:

    $$ \large \theta^{*} = \arg\min_{\theta} \sum_{i=1}^{n} L(|\hat Y_i^k|, |Y_i^k|) $$

Signal Reconstruction using Phase Approximation

  • With deep mask estimation, the network is only trained to estimate magnitude spectrograms. Therefore, to reconstruct the corresponding audio signal of an estimated magnitude spectrogram, we will use a technique that incorporates the phase content of the original mixture spectrogram. Note that while there are more precise methods of phase approximation (e.g. Griffin-Lim), the following technique is effective and commonly used in practice.

  • Given the magnitude spectrogram of the estimate target source $\large |\hat Y_i^k|$ and the phase spectrogram of the mixture, $\large ∠_{\phi} X$, we generate the phase-corrected estimate of the target source as:

    $$ \large \bar Y_i^k = |\hat Y_i^k| ⊙ {\rm exp}(j \cdot ∠_{\phi} X) $$

    Note that $\large \bar Y_i^k$ is a complex spectrogram, as $\large j$ is imaginary.

  • Lastly, we reconstruct an audio signal from $\large \bar Y_i^k$ using $\large f^{-1}$. That is,

    $$ \large \hat T_i^k = f^{-1}(\bar Y_i^k) $$



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