Attention: for Windows users, replace gradlew
with gradlew.bat
- Set up EC2 instance and pull from master
- Update instances to Java 9 if required
- Create a "server.txt" file in the project root with Public DNS addresses of each EC2 instance
- Generate public/private ssh key (without password) and save to keys/server-to-server:
Note: from the project root directory
> ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "server-to-server"
- Initialize the instances with the following commands:
Note: substitute first argument with path to actual pem file
> ./script/deploymentScript /Users/kierse/.ssh/eece513_aws.pem --ssh-keys
- Run the following command to build and deploy:
Note: substitute populate pem flag with path to actual file
> ./gradlew bootstrapAws -Ppem=/Users/kierse/.ssh/eece513_aws.pem
- In any EC2 instance home directory, start a cluster node:
> java -jar distributed-app-1.0.jar
- On startup, the node will print out its join address. This address can be used by other nodes wishing to join its cluster:
Note: replace with the join address obtained in the previous step
> java -jar distributed-app-1.0.jar
Warning: starting a node without the address of an existing cluster will effectively create a second cluster.
Note: substitute path to actual pem file
> csshx/csshX --login ec2-user -ssh_args "-i ~/.ssh/eece513_aws.pem" --hosts servers.txt
fs513 is a command line script that can be used to interact with the distributed filesystem.
usage: ./fs513 <action> [<option1> <option2>]
put <localFileName> <remoteFileName> (add a local file to fs513 with the given fs513 name)
get <remoteFileName> <localFileName> (fetch a fs513 file to the local machine)
remove <remoteFileName> (delete a file from fs513)
grep [<arg1> <arg2> ... <argN>] (search the fs513 server logs)
locate <remoteFileName> (list all machines (name / id / IP address) of the servers that contain a copy of the file)
ls (list all files in fs513)
lshere (list all fs513 files stored on the local machine)
--help (print this message)
./fs513 put foo.txt foo/bar/baz
./fs513 get foo/bar/baz foo.txt
./fs513 remove foo/bar/baz
./fs513 grep -i "no files to sync""
./fs513 locate foo/bar/baz
./fs513 ls
./fs513 lshere
> ./gradlew test
> ./gradlew distributedTest
> wget --no-cookies --no-check-certificate --header "Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie"
> sudo yum install jdk-9.0.4_linux-x64_bin.rpm
> sudo yum remove java-1.8.0-openjdk
> sudo yum remove java-1.7.0-openjdk