Speedometer for beetle races in guildwars2 using mumblelink API
Ghost mode for beetle races in guildwars2 using mumblelink API
3D Plotter for make 3D representation of log files
Upload your times to website, for ranking http://www.beetlerank.com/
- Speed meter
- Angle meter
- Distance meter
- Acceleration meter
- Drift time meter
- Log and checkpoints system
- Race against another players with instant ranking
- Multi lap supported (1 logfile each lap)
- 3D log visualizer
- Ghost mode to replay your best logfile
- 2D map loader, with drag and drop and autosearch
- RACE Hillclimb
- RACE Donwhill
- RACE Full Mountain Run
- SoTD
- OLLO Drift Heaven
- Geek
- VAW (Two paths)
- UAoT
- LRS Jokos Descent
- OLLO The Line
- Yuru Camp Skate Park
- DRFT-1 Fractal Actual Speedway
- DRFT-2 Wayfar Out
- DRFT-3 Summers Sunset
- DRFT-4 Mossheart Memory
- DRFT-5 Roller Coaster Canyon
- DRFT-6 Centurion Circuit
- DRFT-7 Dredgehaunt Cliffs
- DRFT-8 Icy Rising Ramparts
- DRFT-9 Soulthirst Savannah of Svanier
- DRFT-10 Toxic Turnpike
- DRFT-11 Estuary of Twilight
- DRFT-12 Celedon Circle
- DRFT-13 Thermo Reactor Escape
- DRFT-14 Jormags Jumpscare
- DRFT-15 Triple Trek - Amber Ambush
- DRFT-16 Triple Trek - Cobalt Catastrophe
- DRFT-17 Triple Trek - Crimson Chaos
- DRFT-18 Triple Trek - Medley
- DRFT-GP-1 Lions Summer Sights
- DRFT-GP-2 Sandswept Shore Sprint
- DRFT-GP-3 Inquest Isle Invasion
- DRFT-GP-4 Triple Trek Periphery
- DRFT-GP-5 Beachin Crabwalk
- Dragon Bash
- Mad Kings Raceway
- FLY-1 Verdant Brink Hunt
- FLY-2 Yuru Camp Hot Pot
- Wing RK Race
- JP-1 Morgan spiral",
- JP-2 Spekks Lab",
- JP-3 Chaos Crystal Cavern",
- JP-4 Khan Urs Gauntlet",
- JP-5 UAoT Djinns JP",
- JP-6 Abaddons Ascent",
- JP-7 LRS",
- JP-8 INDI Shambhala Ascent"
To watch how is it ingame:
Little info in spanish:
Download and unzip the speedometer from https://github.com/killer415tv/gw2_speedometer/archive/refs/heads/main.zip
- Install python for windows (min version 3.9.2) with add to PATH checked (https://www.python.org/downloads/)
- Or install python from installer at the /installer folder (python-3.9.6.exe)
- Did you check add to PATH option when you installed python? check that or you cant continue
- Download this program from github, green button on top right and download as a zip. Unpack somewhere on your pc
- Execute "/installer/install_requirements.bat" and wait until it closes, or execute "pip install -r requirements.txt" in console on the same folder of the program (cmd at windows)
- Open guildwars2 game
- Execute speedometer_multilap.py file with double click or right click and open with python
- Execute ghost3d.py file with double click also to run the ghostmode
- On speedometer window, select your map and laps
- Write the same code as your friends in the textbox, for example 1111 or 12345 , or whatever you want
- Press join
- Press ready to check if your friends see you, you can free spam ready and surrender buttons
- One person press the start race, this button only makes a countdown at all racers
- The race will start counting time on the first checkpoint
Yes totally legal, its not an addon, its an application that uses the game API to get the position of the player.
Si, es totalmente legal, no es un addon, es una aplicación que usa la API del juego para sacar la posición del jugador.