The web is an ever growing medium by which it is getting more and more difficult to filter useful information. In our journey to writing beautiful JavaScript we have come and will come across many great reference points that will guide our learning. This is where personal feeds come in very useful. Online feeds are like to-do lists in that they can be infinitely personalized and there is not one solution that works for everybody.
For our Unit 2 project we will build Feedr, a personalized feed reader. Our feed reader will pull feeds from our favorite blogs. The user will be able to filter between publications through the dropdown on the header menu. Clicking/tapping on one of the articles will load a pop up with more information. The user from that point will be able to either dismiss the additional information or go to the referenced article.
This will be our first single page app. All of our application views will be contained in the provided index.html file. Our task, after we pull from the respective feed APIs, will be to toggle the appropriate classes and content for the provided site architecture.
Feed sources:
Give the user the ability to pull from a minimum of three news sources. You can select the three provided news sources and/or add your own:
- Mashable:
- Reddit:
- Digg:
If you use your own feeds, they must have APIs with the following minimum requirements:
- Each article must provide an image source for the circular thumbnail at the left of the article.
- Must provide either a category, tag, or custom taxonomy to display below the title (of course title of article is also required).
- Must provide a point, ranking, or some type of total impressions for the respective article.
- Must provide either a full version or a summary of the article for the pop up screen.
Feed rules:
- When the application first loads display the loading container (see below on
instructions to toggle this). When you successfully retrieve information from
the default API hide the loader and replace the content of the
container with that of the API. The DOM structure of each article must adhere to the.article
structure. - When the user selects an article's title show the
overlay. The content of the article must be inserted in the.container
class inside#popUp
. Make sure you remove the.loader
class when toggling the article information in the pop-up. - Change the link of the "Read more from source" button to that of the respective article.
- When the user selects a source from the dropdown menu on the header, replace the content of the page with articles from the newly selected source. Display the loading pop up when the user first selects the new source, and hide it on success.
- Add an error message (either alert or a notification on the page) if the app cannot load from the selected feed.
Additoinal UI interaction rules:
- When the user clicks/taps the search icon, expand the input box. Best approach
for this is to toggle the
class for the#search
container. If the search input box is already expanded tapping the search icon again will close the input. Pressing the "Enter" key should also close the opened input box. See Bonus 2 for search filtering functionality. - When the app is first loading and when the user selects to load a new feed
from the dropdown, display the
container with the.loader
class. You can toggle the.hidden
class from the container to display/hide the overlay container. - Add functionality to hide the pop-up when user selects the "X" button on the pop-up.
- Clicking/tapping the "Feedr" logo will display the main/default feed.
- Merge all feeds into one main feed in chronological order for the initial view. When the user clicks/taps the "Feedr" logo at the top, they should be return to this feed. This will be the new "home view."
- Filter feed by title according to user keyboard input on the search input box. This should run the filter on every keystroke. When the input box is cleared, all articles should display in the respective feed.
- Add infinite scrolling. Start displaying only the first 20 articles and keep loading more on user scrolling.
- A working feedr, built by you, that can be run locally
- A git repository hosted on Github, with the code necessary to run your project
- Most of the students' work will be done on the app.js file. You may update the index.html and style.css files if you would like to further customize your app.
Begin by "fork"ing this repository. You can do so by clicking the "Fork" icon on the top right of this page. Once complete, clone the repository to your computer by running the following commands:
cd ~/Sites/
git clone<your-username-here>/feedr.git
cd feedr
You can then open Sublime Text and point it at the ~/Sites/feedr
directory and
work on the below steps. As you accomplish a feature, be sure to commit it in
Git with the following commands:
git add .
git commit -m "A description of what was added"
git push -u origin master
Here are some sugestions on where to start:
- Start by adding all the DOM functionality first.
- Map out all of the needed fields/properties from each respective feed.
- Start by doing a console.log of the incoming feeds to confirm you have a successful transaction before you start mapping anything out.
- Make sure you have the JSON View chrome extension to get a clean view of the JSON dump in your browser.
- Think about ways to best standardize all of your incoming data.
- Test small pieces of functionality frequently, to make sure everything is working.
- Use tools such as Stack Overflow, Google and documentation resources to solve problems.
Key Resources
- MDN JavaScript data types and data structures
- jQuery Event Basics
- Understanding Event Delegation
- jQuery Tutorial
- A beginner's guide to HTTP and REST
- Async JS Callbacks
- SitePoint: Intro to jQuery Shorthand AJAX Methods
Students will fork the "feedr" application and commit their code as they complete pieces of functionality.
The instructional team will grade each technical requirement and provide a numeric grade on a scale.
- Technical Requirements: Did you deliver a project that met all the technical requirements? Given what the class has covered so far, did you build something that was reasonably complex?
- Creativity: Did you added a personal spin or creative element into your project submission? Did you deliver something of value to the end user (not just a hello world response)?
- Code Quality: Did you follow code style guidance and best practices covered in class, such as spacing, modularity, and semantic naming? Did you comment your code as your instructors have in class?
- Total: Your instructors will give you a total score on your project between:
Score | Expectations |
0 | Does not meet expectations. |
1 | Meets expectactions, good job! |
2 | Exceeds expectations, you wonderful creature, you! |
This will serve as a helpful overall gauge of whether you met the project goals, but the more important scores are the individual ones above, which can help you identify where to focus your efforts for the next project!