Solidity SafeMath Checker - check if any math calculations in your solidity contracts don't use SafeMath. If yes, replace the math operators by SafeMath operators.
SafeMath is a solidity math library especially designed to support safe math operations: safe means that it prevents overflow when working with uint. You can find it in zeppelin-solidity SafeMath.
Please copy the project to be checked to "./to_check" folder, the run:
python ./
Then you can find the backup files in "./backup" folder, the new files applying SafeMath in "./to_check" folder. Please note: if you encounter the exception below, please ignore it: FutureWarning: split() requires a non-empty pattern match.
return _compile(pattern, flags).split(string, maxsplit)
- All Solidity files in the project to be checked are named as "*.sol".
- All SafeMath files in the project to be checked are named as "SafeMath*.sol", and their file names are the same as the uint type they protect from overflow. e.g., SafeMath8.sol is to protect the uint8 calculation. Please note: there will be no SafeMath256.sol file but SafeMath.sol, which protects uint (uint256) from overflow.
- All "*.sol" files are valid.
- Windows, Linux
- Python3 with Anaconda installed
Take the files in "./example" folder as an example ("./example/backup" stores the files before running the program, "./example/to_check" stores the files after running):
- Copy all .sol files (excluding SafeMath.sol files) to "./backup" folder.
- Check all .sol files (excluding SafeMath.sol files) to record how many uint types are used.
- Check all SafeMath*.sol files, find out which uint types are used (from the result of #1) without SafeMath*.sol file. e.g., C1.sol defines a uint32 variable v1, but the are no SafeMath32.sol file in the project.
- According to the result of #2, create all missing SafeMath*.sol files in "./to_check/math" folder. e.g., create "./to_check/math/SafeMath32.sol" file.
- In each file of .sol files (excluding SafeMath.sol files):
5.1. Import all SafeMath*.sol files, and add "using" statements. e.g., add "using SafeMath8 for uint8;". 5.2. Change all ++ to add(1), -- to sub(1). e.g., change "v1++" to "v1.add(1)".
- The program doesn't support the left operand of a math operator is integer literal. e.g., 3*a will be changed to 3.mul(a) which is invalid.
- The program doesn't support a statement with the left and right operands of a math operator across 2 lines. e.g., if (a>b +1) cannot be parsed correctly.
- The program cannot protect the result of **, << from overflow. You can find how to protect them in Avoiding Integer Overflows: SafeMath Isn't Enough.
SafeMath是一个专为支持安全数学运算而设计的可靠数学库:安全意味着它在使用uint时防止溢出。你可以在zeppelin-solidity SafeMath中找到它。
然后您可以在“./backup”文件夹中找到备份文件,在“./to_check”文件夹中找到应用了SafeMath的新文件。 请注意:如果你遇到以下异常,请忽略它: FutureWarning: split() requires a non-empty pattern match.
return _compile(pattern, flags).split(string, maxsplit)
- 要检查的项目中的所有Solidity文件都命名为“*.sol”。
- 要检查的项目中的所有SafeMath文件都命名为“SafeMath*.sol”,它们的文件名与防止溢出的uint类型相同。例如,SafeMath8.sol将保护uint8计算。 请注意:防止uint和uint256的溢出的是SafeMath.sol,而不是SafeMath256.sol。
- 所有“*.sol”文件都是合法的。
- Windows,Linux
- 安装了Anaconda的Python3
- 将所有*.sol文件(不包括SafeMath*.sol文件)复制到“./backup”文件夹中。
- 检查所有*.sol文件(不包括SafeMath*.sol文件)以记录使用了哪些uint类型。
- 检查所有SafeMath*.sol文件,找出在没有SafeMath*.sol文件的情况下使用哪些uint类型(来自#1的结果)。例如,C1.sol定义了uint32变量v1,但项目中没有SafeMath32.sol文件。
- 根据#2的结果,在“./to_check/math”文件夹中创建所有缺少的SafeMath*.sol文件。例如,创建“./to_check/math/SafeMath32.sol”文件。
- 在*.sol文件的每个文件(不包括SafeMath*.sol文件)中: 5.1. 导入所有SafeMath*.sol文件,并添加“using”语句。例如,添加“using SafeMath8 for uint8;”。 5.2. 更改所有++为添加(1), --为sub(1)。例如,将“v1++”改变为“v1.add(1)”。
- 程序不支持数学运算符的左操作数是整数。例如,3*a,会被改变为3.mul(a),这是非法的。
- 程序不支持同一数学运算符的左操作数和右操作数跨2行的语句。例如: if (a>b +1) 不能被正确地处理
- 程序无法保护**,<<的结果不会溢出。 你可以在Avoiding Integer Overflows: SafeMath Isn't Enough中找到保护这些运算的思路。