This project is in fulfillment of Thunes Software Developer interview. Calculator3 is a Java Dynamic Web Application that performs the following
- Perform basic calculations (add, subtract, multiple, divide).
- Perform factorial calculation.
- In order to eliminate any potential bugs in the software, Calculator3 includes automated tests written and run to ensure the integrity of the application.All unit tests are written using JUnit 5.
- Calculator3 triggered and interacted with on the CLI.
- Calculator3 can also be triggered and run via a web API
- Calculator3 also comes bundled with a an inbuilt xml converter with a simple helpful click-and-go bash script that allows non-techie users to perform calcutions and keep track of their figures in a portable csv file compatible with MS Office and LibreOffice suite.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Clone this repository to your workspace git clone git pull origin master
Import project into Eclipse to view and run code from the IDE
Modify script at <TOMCAT_PATH="http://localhost:8080">, change path to match youtcr tomcat installation
To run application without eclipse ,deploy the war file Calculator3.war to your tomcat server (or web server of your choice though this has not been tested on any other installation apart from Apache Tomcat 9.0)
From terminal cd to the project folder ,test your application by running
e.g ./ add 3 4 it should generate a file in the format <x2_{$SYSTEM_TIME}.csv> -
To access source code for CalculatorXML checkout git clone git pull origin master
- Java 8+ JRE/JDK
- Google Chrome /Mozilla Firefox
- Bash For developers
- Eclipse 2019-03
- Apache Tomcat v9.0
- Jersey 2.30
- Gradle 6.2-rc-2
- JUnit 5
Calculator 3 takes only 5 commands: "add","sub","mul","div","fac" for factorial
Each of which in-turn takes only two parameters value1 and value2 (Factorial only takes one)
Once deployed succesfully to your web server of choice (Apcahe ,JBoss, Glassfish )there are 3 ways to run Calculator3
- Web Browser
- script (recommended)
To run from web browser simply enter the following uri
Addition http://localhost:8080/Calculator3/start/calculate/add/3/3
Subtract http://localhost:8080/Calculator3/start/calculate/sub/5/3
Multiply http://localhost:8080/Calculator3/start/calculate/mul/8/6
Divide http://localhost:8080/Calculator3/start/calculate/div/768/7
Factorial http://localhost:8080/Calculator3/start/calculate/fac/35
To use the terminal or shell we use the utility curl to accept uri's
<curl http://localhost:8080/Calculator3/start/calculate/add/10/30>
hint: you could pipe the output to html2text utility to remove xml tags
This is the easiest and safest way to use Calculator3b,simply execute and pass it the right arguments
- ./ add 3 4
- ./ mul 4 5
- ./ fac 34
for help options
./ -h
To use first modify the path to the tomcat server to much your installation:
If you have a lot of data to calculate and save you can use
- curl $TOMCAT_PATH/$APP_PATH/$FAC | cut -c 56- >> x3cut.xml
- curl $TOMCAT_PATH/$APP_PATH/$MUL | cut -c 56- >> x3cut.xml
- curl $TOMCAT_PATH/$APP_PATH/$ADD | cut -c 56- >> x3cut.xml
you can add as many computations as you like.
- ./
it will generate a csv file for you in the project path called data.csv with all you data
All the tests for the Calculator3 web api have been written with JUnit 5 They can be executed from Eclipse IDE ,using select test class run as > junit test
They test the following
- Correctness of calculations,
- Negative numbers
- Wrong parameter options
- 0 as an input
- Very large factorial
Code coverage for this release is about 65%
- Gradle 6.2-rc-2 - Dependency Management
- Jersey 2.30 - JAX-RS implementation for json and xml
- Apache Tomcat v9.0 -Web Server
- Eclipse 2019-03 4.11.0 - IDE
- OpenJDK version 1.8.0_242 -Programming Language
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS -64 bit - Operating System
- Mark James Kiptubei - kiptubei