An opinionated Yeoman generator for Wagtail
- Python 3.6
- Django + Wagtail
- Sane default configuration
- Pipenv for Python dependencies
- django-environ for cleaner
- Front-end tooling
- Gulp for task management
- Sass for easier CSS
- Browserify w/ babel for ES6 bundling
- imagemin to compress images, svgs
npm run lint
to lint files with flake8, eslint, and sass-lint
- Basic styles
- Breakerpoint Slicer for breakpoints
- Modular Scale for… modular scale
- Susy for grids
- Typi for typography
- normalize-scss for CSS resets
- Deploy configuration
- Heroku/Dokku ready
- uwsgi for Python server
- Whitenoise for serving static files
- CircleCI config
First, install Yeoman and generator-kirigami-wagtail using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-kirigami-wagtail
Create your project folder
mkdir wagtail-is-osm
mv wagtail-is-osm
Activate your virtualenv
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
Then generate your new project:
yo kirigami-wagtail
Honcho gets installed locally, you can use it to run both Gulp and the Django dev server at the same time.
honcho -f start
This generator includes configuration for deployment using buildpacks, so you can deploy it to Heroku or Dokku right out of the box.
Before you do though, make sure these environment variables are set on your Heroku/Dokku app.
MIT © Mitchel Cabuloy