This is experimental package for communication with SSDB database.
This version currently supports just some basic commands: auth
, info
, get
, set
, del
, hset
, hget
, hdel
and incr
import SSDB
let db = SSDB(
host: "",
port: 8888,
password: "passwd" // optional, no need to auth explicitly
try db.set(key: "foo", value: "bar".data(using: .utf8)!)
if let result: Data = try db.get(key: "foo") {
print(String(data: result, encoding: .utf8))
Don't forget to do/catch errors pls :) Using exclamation points is really bad practice.
Q: Why Data as value type? Why not String?
A: Mainly because in SSDB all strings are binary safe. But secondly it's because I use SSDB to store binary data packed with MessagePack.
Q: Why then keys are not Data?
A: Now that is really exotic IMO :) No need, to be honest. Maybe once.
Q: What about the rest of commands?
A: One day, sure. For now I don't need anything else. But in case you really want to use unimplemented command, you may always call SSDB.send(command: Data) throws -> SSDB.Response
method with help of SSDB.Command.compile(blocks: [String]) -> Data
and manually handle the response.