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Developer_3.x Getting started MariaDB

matthiaskissler edited this page Aug 31, 2022 · 1 revision

Use MariaDB instead of MySQL

  • Kitodo.Production application must be built with a connector for MariaDB
  • Hibernate and Flyway configuration must be adjusted to use MariaDB

Hibernate configuration

  • modifications must be made in file hibernate.cfg.xml


  • for correct dialect look at or Hibernate JavaDoc.
  • f.e. use org.hibernate.dialect.MariaDB10Dialect if your MariaDB server is in version 10.1.x


  • instead of com.mysql.jdbc.Driver use org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver
  • maybe this is not needed anymore as in normal cases connection driver class is detected correctly by Hibernate


  • instead of jdbc:mysql://... use jdbc:mariadb://...

Flyway configuration

  • only needed if you want to migrate your database with help of Flyway
  • modification must be done in file


  • instead of jdbc:mysql://... use jdbc:mariadb://...
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