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small DDNS client and server written in C with MySQL support

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Dynamic DNS client / server

This is dynamic DNS server and client software. In this version i've made decision to put user accounts into MySQL database instead of unix system accounts. This approach opened a new opportunities. With database we can incorporate some web based user accounts management. Provide IP change history option for users and much more.

I Assume that you have at least one domain ready to be used for dynamic purposes.

With dDNS-ng everyone can be dynamic DNS service provider.

Table of contents

Server Requirements

  • Operating system: Linux or FreeBSD
  • DNS software: Bind
  • MySQL database
  • SMTP server (i.e. postfix)
  • Platforms: x86, x86_64

Web environment

  • apache webserver
  • PHP with mysql support


Only authenticated clients are authorized to update particular zonefile. DNS zone with serial number entry should end with comment string:

; serial

Be careful. On some systems serial begins with capital "S" which is not supported.
White space after semicolon is important!
Client accounts are based on MySQL database contents. Every registered user can add as many domains as he want.


There are two ways of getting dDNS-ng system to work. Automatic and Manual. But first things first. I'll start with describing basic setup that has to be done before we can move forward.

Basic setup

Let's assume that you have basic system installed and with no addtional software except SSH. I'll recomend to start with Bind installation. After that you can configure your brand new domain on your own DNS server. Table below describes recomended paths to use.

OS Zone Directory Configuration file
Ubuntu /etc/bind/ /etc/bind/named.conf.local
Centos /var/named/ /etc/named.rfc1912.zones
FreeBSD /usr/local/etc/namedb/master/ /usr/local/etc/namedb/named.conf

Despite OS dependent naming convention, you have to create zone files with names identical to domains which they describes. If you have domain, your zone file should have name:

After completing DNS part you can install Apache, MySQL and PHP (LAMP) environment. Table below will be usefull with this task.

OS Command
Ubuntu apt-get install apache2 php5 php5-mysql mysql-server mysql-client
FreeBSD pkg install apache22 php5 php5-mysql mysql56-server mysql56-client
Centos yum -y install httpd php php-mysql mariadb-server mariadb

Okay. Now we are in position to do some database tasks. We need to create one for dynamic DNS system and a user account associated whith it.

mysql> CREATE DATABASE dyndns;
mysql> GRANT ALL ON dyndns.* to 'dyndns_user'@'%' IDENTIFIED by 'someRandomPassword';

Note: % sign means any host. You can restrict here access to your database if you want.

Automatic installation

If your server is running Ubuntu or Centos i higly recommend using script. Installation script ensures that there are all necessary packages installed into the system before building and installing all components. The only thing to do is pasting Virtualhost declaration to apache configuration and restart apache processes.

Go to dDNS-ng/src directory and run a command:

# ./ server

Manual installation


Configuration file

Server (and client) cofiguration file comes with few defaults which you can change if you want. All of the options are summarized below

Option Default Description
zones none absolute path to bind directory where zonefiles are stored. IMPORTANT NOTE!: path have to end with trailing /
named_conf none absolute path to named.conf or other file which can store zones definitions
listen_on 12345 TCP port on which server will wait for connections. Please make exception in firewall rules if necessary.
log none absolute path to logfile
pid /var/run/ pidfile location
db_host localhost your MySQL server address. Leave it unchanged if you run it on the same machine like ddns-server
db_name database Database name
db_user user Database user account
db_secret password Database user's password.
smtp_ip SMTP server IP Address. Leave it unchanged if you run it on the same machine like ddns-server
smtp_port 25 SMTP server port. Leave it unchanged if it runs on standard 25/tcp port
mail_from email address which will be set as sender address (From). It can be alias to your existing account

Running a server

Tu run installed and configured dDNS server switch to root account and run:

# ddns-server -c /etc/dyndns-server.conf

Program will run in background. If you want to keep dDNS server running after system reboot add it to /etc/rc.local file with full path to the executable.

/usr/bin/ddns-server -c /etc/dyndns-server.conf

Cron job

The last important thing to do is run a cron.php. I recomend using short - one minute interval

* * * * * /usr/local/bin/curl -s

Cron.php is responsible for managing mailing queue.