HDip in Science in Computing (Data Analytics) student, working with | Python | SQL | Tableau | Power BI | Excel
🔭 I have just completed a HDip in Science in Computing in Data Analytics.
💻 Currently working as a Graduate Data Analyst.
data-representation-courseware: A set of weekly programming problems the Data Representation module. Tasks include, creating an .xml file, retrieving a dataset from the central statics’ office API, and a script to interact with GitHub.
excel_overview: A personal project which uses Excel to accomplish a management request of writing a report on the company’s sales. Cleaning, exploring, and analysing the processed data (including pivot tables and VLOOKUP) to identify trends such as sales growth and decline.
Film_Database: A project for the Applied Databases module. It contains a Python script which allows for CRUD operations to be performed on a relational database (MySQL) and a non-relational database (MongoDB). Furthermore, it provides a user interface to interact with the database.
FofData-assessment: A project for the Fundamentals of Data Analysis module. It contains two Juypter notebooks; the first providing clear and concise overview of the Python package matplotlib.pyplot. The second notebook provides an investigation and comparison of the CAO points for the years 2019, 2020 and 2021. It includes, how to retrieve data in different formats and load it into a pandas dataframe for analysis.
MLandStats-assessment: A project for the Machine Learning and Statics module. It contains two Juypter notebooks; the first providing clear and concise overview of the Python package scikit-learn. The second notebook provides an investigation into the Python package scipy, specifically the module scipy-stats and ANOVA hypothesis testing.
MPP_Shop: A project for the Multi-Paradigm Programming module. The project contains three programmes’ simulating a shop. This was to be implemented using two programming paradigms - Procedural Programming (POP) using Python and C and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) using Python. Additionally, it contains a short report comparing the solutions achieved.
pands-project2021: A project for the Programming and Scripting module. It consists of researching and investigating the well-known Fisher's Iris data set by creating a Python script and a detailed README report.
pands-problem-sheet: Weekly assignments for the Programming and Scripting module. It contains a set of 7 programming problems aimed at developing Python skills. Tasks include, working with date and times, strings, command line arguments and matplotlib.
ProgrammingDA-assessment: A project for the Programming for Data Analysis module. The repository contains a Jupyter notebook, which provides clear and concise overview of Python’s numpy.random package. The investigation includes the use and purpose of five distributions, sample random data, permutations, and pseudorandom numbers.
ProgrammingDA-project: A project for the Programming for Data Analysis module. The aim of this project was to create a simulated data set by simulating a real-world phenomenon using the Python numpy.random module. I chose to investigate the sporting phenomenon of "home advantage" in sport.
QR-Code-Generator: A simple QR code generator created in Python. The script asks the user to enter a link. It will then generate a QR Code for the inputted link and output a QR code in a .png format.
restaurant_website: A project for the Web Application and Development module. The aim of this project was to create a website using HTML5, CSS, JavaScript. DOM and the JavaScript library D3 for basic visualisations was to be included.
restAPI: A project for the Data Representation module. The repository contains a Flask web application with RESTful API. The application links to a SQL database allowing CRUD operations to be performed. Additionally, there is a web interface which uses AJAX to preform CRUD operations.
sales_overview: A personal project querying a company’s sales data using SQL with an accompanying PowerBI dashboard. The dashboard provides functionality to filter by sales and measure KPIs against the budget for the previous 2 years.
spotify: A personal project undertook as an avid music fan and listener. The project researches and investigates and explores my personal Spotify listening history using Python.
sorting_algorithms: A project for the Conceptual Thinking with Algorithms module. It contains a Python script to conduct a benchmarking test for different sorting algorithms. Additionally, a report investigating and comparing the chosen sorting algorithms; performance, time and space complexities, and stabilities.