Enables the operator to setup a Slack bot that receives commands, brings a job to life and return the output back to the user who requested it.
Using your cluster credentials you must use the following command to install the correct CRD:
make install
# Chat custom resource definition
apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: CustomResourceDefinition
name: chats.chat.ops.com
group: chat.ops.com
kind: Chat
listKind: ChatList
plural: chats
singular: chat
scope: Namespaced
To enable the command the user must install the correct Chat CRs, it is possible to use more than one.
$ cat config/samples/chat_v1_chat.yaml
apiVersion: chat.ops.com/v1
kind: Chat
name: chat-sample
command: "curl https://report1"
jobImage: private/image
timestamp: 0
username: ""
command: ""
channel: ""
timestamp: ""
TODO - ConfigMap to ACL users vs. CRD and commands
The main fields here are:
- Spec.command - The binary path used in the job
- Spec.jobImage - The image URL used in the job
- Spec.userACL - A list of Slack users who are
Create a new file ./env.yaml with your Slack token:
CTRL_SLACK_TOKEN: xoxb-random-689172615444-hhhhNhhTO5hhhhItyyy4yyf9
To run the controller locally, after settings up the commands:
export GO111MODULE=on
make run