This SDK allows you to use our service allowing you to control stations and vehicles.
More info on the service on our Documentation
README is a Work in progress
This project is written in TypeScript using Node.js 12 and targeting es2017. It MAY work for older versions of Node.js.
Install using npm:
npm install @knotcity/svaas-sdk
Import the module in the same way as you do normally.
// JavaScript
const svaas = require('@knotcity/svaas-sdk');
// TypeScript
import svaas = require('@knotcity/svaas-sdk');
Before making request you need to create a new KnotSVaaS object with your keys.
// Fetch your info
const yourKeyId = "...";
// Watch out for line breaks (should be `\n` and not `\\n`)
const yourPrivateKey = "...";
// The knot's public key is available on our [documentation](
// It's used if you want to verify the request we make to your API/Webhooks
const knotPublicKey = "...";
export const SVaaS = new svaas.KnotSVaaS({
keyId: yourKeyId,
privateKey: yourPrivateKey,
knotPublicKey: knotPublicKey,
vehiclesEndpoint: '...', // Optionally you can set a custom endpoint for the vehicles API (like if you are on our test environment)
stationsEndpoint: '...' // Optionally you can set a custom endpoint for the stations API (like if you are on our test environment)
To call a specific action, use the client you just created and call the function you need.
const resp = await SVaaS.unlockVehicle(vehicleId, unlockId);
resp.code; // Response code, 0 most of the time, which means success but it can be something else to inform other actions to take
resp.message; // A descriptive message associated with the code; // Data requested, if any
// Something went wrong
To be sure that a request to your API comes from us, you can verify its signature with the following function.
is an Express request object
const valid = SaaS.checkKnotRequestSignature({ headers: req.headers, httpMethod: req.method, path: req.originalUrl });
// Something failed