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1.0 Configuration
koalyptus edited this page May 12, 2023
9 revisions
In this section you will find all the configuration options (const tfConfig = { property: 'value' }
Here is a more extensive example showing many of the features and options including texts in German:
const tf = new TableFilter(my_table, {
base_path: 'tablefilter/', // Needed to resolve additional resources (css, extensions, etc.) at runtime
auto_filter: { delay: 500 }, // Delay for automatic filtering (milliseconds)
state: { // Enable state persistence
types: ['local_storage'], // Possible values: 'local_storage' 'hash' or 'cookie'
filters: true, // Persist filters values, enabled by default
columns_visibility: true, // Persist columns visibility
filters_visibility: true, // Persist filters row visibility
sticky_headers: true, // Sticky headers with overrides
alternate_rows: true, // Enable alternating rows
mark_active_columns: { // Mark active columns
highlight_column: false, // .. but only the column header
grid_layout: false, // Grit layout (but no simple copy&paste to Excel anymore)
filters_row_index: 0, // Row index to show the filter bar (default 0).
// Show filter bar above header allows easy copy&paste of the table content.
toolbar: true, // Enable toolbar component
rows_counter: { text: 'Rows: ' }, // Enable rows counter UI component
status_bar: { // Enable status bar UI component
msg_filter: 'Filter aktiv...', // Message during filtering
toolbar_position: 'center',
btn_reset: { // Enable clear button
tooltip: 'Filter löschen',
toolbar_position: 'right',
locale: 'de', // Define default locale, default to 'en'
thousands_separator: '.', // Define thousands separator ',' or '.', defaults to ','
decimal_separator: ',', // Define decimal separator ',' or '.', defaults to '.'
empty_operator: '[empty]',
nonempty_operator: '[nonempty]',
help_instructions: { // Instructions text (accepts HTML)
text :
'Filter-Operatoren:<br /> ' +
'<b><</b>, <b><=</b>, <b>=</b>, <b>>=</b>, <b>></b>, <br />' +
'<b>*</b>, <b>!</b> (nicht), <b>{</b> (beginnt mit), <b>}</b> (endet mit), <br />' +
'<b>||</b> (oder),<b> &&</b> (und),<br />' +
'<b>[empty]</b>, <b>[nonempty]</b>, <b>rgx:</b><br />' +
'<a href="' +
'https://github.com/koalyptus/TableFilter/wiki/4.-Filter-operators' +
'" target="_blank">' +
'Weitere Informationen</a><hr/>'
btn_text : '?', // btn_text oder btn_html
no_results_message: { // "No results" message
content: 'Keine zum Filter passende Einträge vorhanden',
loader: false, // Loading indicator, { html : '...' }
watermark: [ 'Filter...', ], // Repeated watermark text for input fields or watermark for each filter if an array is supplied
extensions:[ // Extensions load addititional script files
name: 'colsVisibility',
description: 'Sichbarkeit der Spalten verwalten', // Module description
enable_hover: true, // Enable hover behaviour on columns manager button/link
btn_text: 'Spalten verstecken▼', // Button's text, defaults to Columns▼
//at_start: [3, 4], // List of columns indexes to be hidden at initialization
tick_to_hide: true, // Enable tick to hide a column, defaults to true
text: 'Versteckte Spalten: ', // Text preceding the columns list, defaults to 'Hide' or 'Show'
btn_close_text: 'Schließen', // Columns manager UI close link text, defaults to 'Close'
enable_tick_all: false, // Enable select all option, disabled by default
tick_all_text: 'Alle auswählen:', // Text for select all option, defaults to 'Select all:'
toolbar_position: 'right', // Default position in toolbar ('left'|'center'|'right')
name: 'filtersVisibility',
description: 'Sichtbarkeit der Filter', // Module description
visible_at_start: true, // Make filters visible at initialization, defaults to true
enable_icon: true, // Enable expand/collapse icon, defaults to true
btn_text: 'Filter', // Custom text for button
toolbar_position: 'right', // Default position in toolbar ('left'|'center'|'right')
//{ name: 'sort' } // Sort requires to classify numeric columns using "col_types : [ 'numeric', String', ...],"