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Emacs config by Yegor Bayev (kodx)

most of parts derived from Alex Ott config

Nice visual cheat sheet for standart keybindnings

REQUIREMENT: Emacs 24 (or above)

my keys memo:

  • F2 - save current buffer
  • F3 - delete other windows
  • F4 - switch to other window
  • F5 - reread file from disk
  • F7 - search and replace query
  • F8 - go to next error
  • F10 - save all and exit
  • F12 - exit w\o saving
  • Shift+insert - copy from clipboard
  • Shift+delete - cut to clipboard
  • Control+insert - copy to clipboard
  • Home - smart home, jump to first char in string, not just string start
  • Alt+g - go to string
  • Control+c ; - comment\uncomment current string\region
  • Control+x Control+r - open recent opened files list
  • Alt+m - go to next symbol occurence

other defined keys can be found in


user settings:


I prefer Meslo-Font from

for python-mode install pymacs

Please read INSTALL to make installation setup