Control your headless Raspberry Pi with the AdaFruit LCD Plate Built on latest Raspbian (2014-09-09) at time of writing readme (2014-12-16)
PiControl lets you control an internet connected Raspberry Pi (NAS optional) running Raspbian, via the Adafruit 16x2 LCD Plate. The idea was to create a simple hierarchical menu system to provide basic system functionality for a NAS Pi through the use of the LCD and Tactile buttons provided by the Adafruit i2c LCD Plate.
To Install:
- Open terminal window or SSH into pi.
- Run the terminal command: "git clone"
- You now have a working copy of PiControl in your /home/pi/PiControl directory, but we're not done yet.
- Automate the running of the /home/pi/PiControl/ script. See here:
System Functions include:
- Idle Mode (with clock display)
- PiDiag (see crucial hardware specs ie. clock speeds, temp, memory split)
- Wifi Diag (see current Wifi network, check connectivity to router and internet)
- Halt System (perform a safe system halt/shutdown)
- Restart System (perform a safe system restart)
- Run a PiNumberStation in the background. See:
New Updates include:
- Check connected HDD ✓
- Settings menu and configuration file support ✓
- PiNumberStation support for broadcast on user-defined frequency ✓
- Integer Dialog Support ✓
- Boolean Dialog Support ✓
- Automatic display dimming after set amount of time ✓
Soon to be functions include:
- Run rpi-update, apt-get update, apt-get upgrade
- Backup contents of selected drive to ExtHDD
- Connect/Disconnect to and from different wifi networks (including password entry dialog and basic keyboard system)
- Live & Continuous temperature 'watching' console
- Yowsup functionality to pass commands over Whatsapp
Developers Notes:
Cloning the repository / Install:
- Open terminal and cd to home directory. ie. /home/pi/
- Run "git clone" to clone repository to the pi.
- Project folder is now under /home/pi/PiControl/
- Enter the project folder with "cd PiControl"
- Make changes as you wish. Then continue to next section of steps.
To commit changes:
- Open terminal, cd into /home/pi/PiControl
- Run "git add", "git add piconf.ini" , etc. To add to commit list.
- Run "git commit -m """
- Push the commit to master with: "git push master origin"
- Done! :) (or use the automated script!)