Presentation helps you to make tutorials, release notes and animated pages. It is enough to just throw the visuals. The phone image is available in the library.
Recommended resolution : 750 x 1334
- iOS 9.0+
- Xcode 9.0
- Swift 4
You can use CocoaPods to install myInfoSlide
by adding it to your Podfile
platform :ios, '9.0'
pod 'myInfoSlide'
- Download and drop
in your project. - Congratulations!
let myInfoSlideVC = myInfoSlideController()
myInfoSlideVC.delegate = self
myInfoSlideVC.yourView = self.view
myInfoSlideVC.yourButtonTitle = "Atla"
myInfoSlideVC.dataImage = [UIImage(named: "deneme1"),UIImage(named: "deneme2"),UIImage(named: "deneme3"),UIImage(named: "deneme4"),UIImage(named: "deneme5")] as! [UIImage]
myInfoSlideVC.dataTitle = ["Ucuza tatil yapmak çok kolay","Detaylandırılmış kategoriler","Özel kampanya sayfası","İstediğiniz kampanyayı kaydedin","Artık ilginizi çekmiyor mu?"]
You can add myInfoSlideDelegate
class. For handler button
func handlerAction(sender: UIButton) {
public var yourViewBg = UIColor.white
public var yourButtonBg = UIColor.white
public var yourButtonTitleColor =
public var yourButtonWidth:CGFloat = 45
public var yourButtonTitle = "Skip"
public var yourTitleColor =
public var yourTitleSize: CGFloat = 16
public var yourFontName:String = "Avenir-Light"
- currently only works on portrait mode.
- untested ipad device
- 1.0 first commit